7 definitions by ragnar hairy breeches

Crooked, superficial waste that no longer matters
So glad we ejected that bloviating hairpiece.
Yes, now he is the excumbent!
by ragnar hairy breeches April 23, 2021
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A corporate facial expression maintained by imagining the words "Cheez Whiz" to project a confident and jovial impression without actually caring.
The CEO's impenetrable smisek left us no clue as to how many of us would be there in the office tomorrow morning.
by ragnar hairy breeches December 2, 2011
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One who repeatedly undertakes charitable sporting events for their personal gratification.
"I am so tired of being hit up for money by that #sponker, why can't he just admit he likes to swim?"
by ragnar hairy breeches August 16, 2018
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Equal opportunity copulatory rampage. A series of sex acts with men and women alike.
It was a fuckfest of sexual orienteering: getting from A to B, encompassing as much C and D as they could along the way.
by ragnar hairy breeches December 1, 2018
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Plucking dollar amounts from your ass to justify initiating or killing a project.
We've done the Hollywood math: We'll make $20m by having Tom Cruise play the spy, $20k every time he says "Let's get out of here", $100k for each exploding abandoned warehouse, $5m for the car chase and $10k every time we show a red digital clock counting down to an explosion. And boobies, we need something with $300k rack. Twice.
by ragnar hairy breeches December 8, 2008
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Cross _that_ bridge to make a name for yourself as a sex pest.
Andy has become a real tap ‘n’ see bitch, hitting hopelessly on a thing with a pulse. Eeeew! Just no.
by ragnar hairy breeches March 2, 2021
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