1 definition by queen dovasary

Panic at the Disco (formerly Panic! at the Disco) is a rock band from Las Vegas. Due to unfortunate circumstances, 80% of their fanbase is synonymous with screaming fangirls who only know their hit single, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies."
The other 20% are cool, intelligent people who appreciate good music and want MTV to die, and don't listen to the radio either. They know all of Panic's songs (from both their amazing yet extremely different albums, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Pretty. Odd.) and know all the lyrics as well as their meaning. They don't listen to Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance unless their genuinely like them, which would be because of their (good) older material.
Panic at the Disco blend techno and rock with theatrical touches in their first album, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. Contrary to popular belief, this was something that had never been done before. At the September 2005 release of this album, it did not get much attention from the media or really any commercial recognition at all. In early 2006, the video for their second single, I Write Sins Not Tragedies, was played on MTV's Total Requests.
Is this enough proof that this band was NOT originally meant to be "liked" by ignorant "fans" who like one song?
In March 2008 they released their Beatles-esque second album, Pretty. Odd. This experimental and risky album did lose some of the original fans, but true fans ignored the fact that it was very different from the first album and gave it a chance.
Overall, PATD are an extremely original band whose less popular songs (NOT I WRITE SINS NOT TRAGEDIES) need to be considered.
Common "fan": OMG I love Panic at the Disco!
Real fan: Really? What's your favorite song by them?
Common "fan": Well... everyone knows THAT... I Write Sins Not Tragedies!
Real fan: And do you know anything ELSE?
Common "fan": No. No one does. Do they even have other songs?
Real fan: *shoots*
by queen dovasary December 5, 2008
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