44 definitions by progamer124

Reproduction joke. The "1+1" refers to two people having sex; the extra 1 represents a potential baby, making a total of 3 people.
"I'm gonna get laid tonight!"
"Whatever man, just remember sometimes 1+1=3."
by progamer124 January 4, 2005
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Old cliche'd excuse for not having homework done. Generally means "I forgot," "I didn't do it," etc.
Teacher: "Where's your homework, Billy?"
Billy: "The dog ate it."
by progamer124 May 23, 2004
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Nickname for one who is short in stature and tends to overcompensate for it - often through short temper, learning martial arts or other fighting skills, or attempting excessively difficult tasks. This is of course referring to Napoleon Bonaparte's conquest of Europe; Napoleon himself was very short, and there is an old inside joke among historians that his drive to conquer came from his lack of height.
Short dude: What are you lookin at? You wanna start something?

Tall dude: Whoa, Bonaparte, mellow out.
by progamer124 August 24, 2003
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Small, froglike creatures seen in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Because of their unbelievable reproductive rate, gizka are often thought of as pests; as few as two gizka will easily fill a warehouse in a month's time, and are therefore almost impossible to get rid of. The most effective method is to use a poison designed specifically for them. The most common brand causes the gizka to attack each other, infecting the rest of the population through their attacks.
Gizka may be pests to most, but some enjoy them as pets - assuming, of course, that they only have one of them.
by progamer124 March 31, 2004
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Combination of owned and gangster Al Capone. It's just a clever (sorta) way of saying you owned someone.
by progamer124 February 11, 2005
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When someone is having trouble getting laid, they're in a slump. When you're in a slump, you need an easy score to get your confidence back up and break the slump - a slumpbuster. Often this means lowering your standards, and sleeping with someone you would never otherwise associate with. The term is obviously negative, and can even damage the reputation of someone who uses it; it implies that the "slumpbuster"'s only purpose is to screw someone who's desperate for sex, and also implies that the person invoking the term uses women for sex. Use with caution; it tends to make things worse for everyone involved.
"She was a slumpbuster."
by progamer124 May 23, 2004
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n.(Hacker Lingo) One who hacks to find system loopholes, then uses that information to secure the system. Hackers employed with security firms, as well as hacker "watchdog" groups, would be considered whitehats.
Though whitehats have the best of intentions, their effors are often rewarded with lawsuits and criminal charges.
by progamer124 February 6, 2004
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