78 definitions by nobody else here

a name you call someone that talks inappropriately or does strange things.
principal: youre gonna become the new bevis and butthead of the school if you keep telling people that.
by nobody else here April 12, 2017
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another way of saying "having sex"
i haven't got down and white for a week.
by nobody else here May 30, 2017
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someone who runs around corners alot.
sam: hi uncle john!

john: no its uncle peeler to you.
by nobody else here December 3, 2017
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to get a nosebleed from blowing ur nose
i got a huge blow bleed when i blew my nose. there was blood everywhere!

when i get blow bleeds, or even nosebleeds, i just let it leak into a cup and continue what im doing untill the cup is 1/4 full. im too lazy to take care of it right away.
by nobody else here October 18, 2017
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when you are leaning back in your chair.
my dad busted me cranking back.
by nobody else here May 29, 2017
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a thing u get when ur balls are so itchy to where they bleed from itching too much.
i had ball bleed from accidentally falling into poison ivy while taking a shit in the forest.
by nobody else here October 21, 2017
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a thing kids do where if their parents arent keeping track of time and it is past ur bedtime, you take advantage by not going to bed untill they yell "its way past ur bedtime!".
guy 1: im tired of having to go to bed at ten!

guy 2: how about you set ur own bedtime

guy 1: thats a great idea! but im gonna need a plan.
by nobody else here October 23, 2017
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