21 definitions by no_one_2000

5 is an elite, nerdy way of saying "LOL" See 120.

LOL means "Laughing out loud" and is a common acronym used in chatting everywhere.

LOL (or lol), written in 1337 is 101.
101 in binary is equal to 5 in decimal.

So, LOL = 5
OMG, your computer has spyware? 5
by no_one_2000 August 9, 2004
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It's what you say when the AOL Instant Messenger screws up. And based solely on its definition, you'll be saying this at least twenty times a day before downloading a new chatting program.

The extra advantage to using this term is that, if said correctly, sounds a bit more "gangsta." See dayamn.
Mike: So Phil, what do you think?
Mike has signed off
Mike has signed on
Mike: What the hell? It did it again!
Phil: dAIMn! Let's chat on MSN, kay?
Mike: Word.
by no_one_2000 February 13, 2005
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Power is most simply defined in Physics as the rate at which work is done. More specifically, it's the ratio of work to time. See below for an interesting usage of "power."
<crazychik> i know i have all the power in our relationship
<geekguy> Power is work/time. And work is force*displacement. And since you never move off your fat ass, you're not causing any displacement, which in turn, means you have no power.
<crasychik> sha up nerd
by no_one_2000 January 10, 2005
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Alt + 0160 is a space character. It's the equivelant of &nbsp; and can be used over and over again in HTML to actually make large spaces, as Alt + 032 (typical space character) will not let you do that.

Plus, it's good for using in forums or any text area box where you have to submit information and don't want to. Most sites filter out spaces and don't count them as a character, but Alt+0160 works every time.

The perfect invisible character brought to you by Windows ASCII Character Set.
by no_one_2000 January 22, 2005
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Alt + 0160 is a space character. It's the equivelant of &nbsp; and can be used over and over again in HTML to actually make large spaces, as Alt + 032 (typical space character) will not let you do that.

Plus, it's good for using in forums or any text area box where you have to submit information and don't want to. Most sites filter out spaces and don't count them as a character, but Alt+0160 works every time.

The perfect invisible character brought to you by Windows ASCII Character Set.
by no_one_2000 August 9, 2004
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On most computer applications, F1 is the keyboard shortcut to bring up the help menu. Thus, the phrase "Press F1" is most appropriately given as a reply to anybody who needs help, especially in the psychiatric sense.
<Joe> Oh my god, at lunch today, everybody stopped talking and I said, "Crap, the chat died." I really need to stop wasting time on IRC.
<Phil> Dude, you really need help. Seriously. Press F1.
by no_one_2000 January 22, 2005
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A random insult word. It's used especially by those who are deeply involved in their trig homework, though it really has no definite meaning.
*Phil is silently doing his trig homework*
*Jackie spills his snack all over the lunchroom floor*
*Phil jumps up*
Jackie: What the hell is an asstangent?
Phil: I have no idea.

(true story =P)
by no_one_2000 January 4, 2005
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