66 definitions by nethcev!

A chemical agent, designed to cleanse one of his/her external filth, thus removing all outside suspicion of one’s internal grime.
Examples of soap include: Irish Spring, Ivory, Dial, Zest etc.
by nethcev! August 24, 2006
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A branch of Christian theology devoted to the study and defense of the holy origins of scripture, as well as the divinely ordained authority of the Church alone to interpret it. To fail apologetics is a sign of intelligence.
My "F" in freshman Apologetics eventually led me to drop out of semenary and enroll in an Ivy league University.
by nethcev! November 21, 2005
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1. God’s gift, and Satan’s scourge.
2. The final result of the natural chemical blending of unrelated feelings that one holds toward another, which, once synthesized, create an emotion that is independent of the confines of time or the elements of this existence. Though the vitality of that said emotion inevitably weakens and falters, never does it truly filter.
3. A flawed definition for an emotion which modern society has perverted through practicality. Practicality is reserved for a practical world. And in a practical world, things like love would not exist. No, “love” is rather a definition for the dictionary of one’s heart, not Webster’s.
4. A contradiction, a conundrum cloaked in ambiguity.
5. A pleasant thought in a world filled with terrible ideals.
6. A quagmire of depression from which none can immerge unscathed.
7. A force of nature which, like any other natural phenomenon, cannot be civilized, contained or contended. A force which cannot be controlled, avoided, destroyed or escaped and often results in extreme destruction.
8. A terminal illness; much like cancer in its nature. It starts at the heart, spreads to the soul, before inevitably polluting the mind. To date, the medical community remains baffled as to discovering an effective treatment for this potentially fatal malady, much less a cure. Demographically speaking, the young and the foolish are counted among the most susceptible to contract this disease; and the destitute romantics are considered to be exceptionably vulnerable.
9. A vast unknown frontier of thoughts and feelings which only the most fortunate ever have the opportunity to explore.
10. A resilient, false hope eating parasite, which adopts the human heart as its host.
"There is no disguise which can for long conceal love where it exists or simulate it where it does not."

Francois, Duc de La Rochefoucauld
by nethcev! August 18, 2006
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A state of emotional being, characterized by the desire for one to be in another’s shoes. As apposed to “jealous”, which is an emotional state where one deems that if he/she cannot have Reebok, then all others must go barefoot.
"I'm truly envious of his situation."

by nethcev! August 24, 2006
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1. Reflections of how one PRECIEVES things really happened.
2. Personal or collective revisions.
I have very few fond memories
by nethcev! September 5, 2006
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A particular genre of popular music which provides the listener with a symphonic experience that is on a par with having a stranger masturbate into one’s eardrum. This includes a throbbing, repetitive rhythm, or “beat” - which is equivalent to the motion of a hand running up and down the length of a male’s phallus - while simultaneously listening to some horny high school dropout rhyming and rambling off about his desire to “knock boots” with the listener, while concurrently threatening to “bust a cap in your ass” if the audience member refuses to respect his “slim shady.” To listen to rap music is essentially to be raped in the ear.
"Doctor Drae" is a rap artist.
by nethcev! September 9, 2006
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A popular nomenclature, first coined by the people of Massachusetts to describe a colossal labyrinth of seemingly unnavigable streets and causeways.
Boston, Massachusetts

by nethcev! August 24, 2006
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