26 definitions by n333m

when u mix shibby and hobbits u get a shobit is a stoner hobbit, the first shobit was created by Dr. R.N.H
mini me's stoner buddies,
how santas elves make him fly
by n333m August 29, 2004
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the greatest things ever:)they make me happy
there amazingly neeem :D
there the greatest things ever
theyt bounch
they jiggle
they make good pillows
by n333m August 25, 2004
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Funniest comedian alive, see crack head, lol but the best crack head.
"I type a 101 words a minute. But it's in my own language."
"If you had a friend who was a tightrope walker, and you were walking down a sidewalk, and he fell, that would be completely unacceptible..."
"A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer."
The Grand Finally

"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too."
by n333m October 19, 2004
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a person who enjoys the high that marijuana, canabis, or hash. Stoners are normally happyer, less violent people who have a better appreciation for life. Some people seem to blame them for the down fall of society, ironically those are the people causeing the down fall because of beliefs that money is more important then joy or life.
marijuana causes a happy fealing meaning stoners are happy and not violent people. Some one need to get george bush stoned.
by n333m August 31, 2004
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see george w bush

A person who lacks intelligence
a moron, once again see george bush
by n333m November 13, 2004
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stoner gods, some of the first people use to marijuana in movies for comedy.
hehe stoners shibby people
canadian lol
by n333m August 31, 2004
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one of the evil sciencetist behind the making of the nargy and the mayo maker
also none as R.T.G
or the dumbass that cant die
by n333m August 29, 2004
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