89 definitions by kristen

the name given to some one who has uneven boobs that are big.
"Helen's nickname is uneven"
by kristen December 9, 2004
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Alluding to something pleasurable, be it sexual, drug-related, or something else entirely.
a. Lets go to the bedroom so we can kick a little somethin' somethin'.
b. I called my guy to see if he could hook me up with a little somethin' somethin'.
by kristen October 24, 2003
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1 . he meaning of life scientifically is to reproduce and then die.

2. to find ways to make money and then die.

3. if you're an all around happy person, then to find remedies for sadness and try to forget about problems (cough cough assholes cough) and those people are the dumbasses who want to grow old and die peacefully.

4. getting lost in all types of problems, depressing yourself or not being able to get out of it, then leading to a slow ending or killing yourself.

5. Nothing.

6. Two people fucking, being born, dying.
by kristen June 29, 2003
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The various signals one sends off, whether it be consiously or subconsiously, when they are sexually repressed. Some signals of sexual frustration may include: frequent moodiness, over-eating, being easily excited, trouble paying attention, etc...
"The way her eyes kept wandering from my face to my package, were a good signal that she was sexually frustrated."
by kristen December 1, 2003
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1) The term you must associate with the male you are having sexual relations with in order to avoid being declared a "slut"
2) The nickname for your vibrator in the bedside drawer.
1) "Sorry, I can't hang out tonight, my boyfriend is coming over."
2) "Wow, this porn is really exciting, I think my boyfriend needs to make an appearance."
by kristen December 1, 2003
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The west sid eof chicago
"I'm from the west side!"
"West side up in this"
by kristen December 20, 2003
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like yeah,whatever,right(sarcasticly,
i was like pst u going wit mike now.
by kristen April 18, 2004
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