152 definitions by jesster79

A truly God Awful film. One of the worst films ever made. Made by fertilizer salesman Hal Warren on a bet that he could make a sucessful horror film.

Using $19,000, an old spring wound camera, made an unwatchable film. A film where Warren showed how amature his film was when he forgot to put the opening credits in.

A film where a man played by Warren, his wife, and his daughter stop at the inn of "The Master." The family meets Torgo and settle in for a night of horror. A featured part of the film is Warren's personal fantasy where women in translucent robes wrestle in the night. Disturbing in that the little girl becomes a wife of "The Master."
Proof that fertilizer sales people should never be allowed to make their own films.
by jesster79 January 24, 2005
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A man who has a disturbing number of similarities to Adolf Hitler early in his rise to power in Germany.
Like Hitler, Bush failed at everything he did before going into politics.
Like Hitler, Bush promised unity right after his appointments to the executive office.
Bush worked to create enemies so that he could consolidate his power. These enemies include "terrorists" and liberals. This is like what Hitler did when he came to power.
Bush also courts the right wing Christians much like Hitler did.
Like Hitler, Bush has made it very difficult for people to dissent from his policies. Protestors are shunted off to their own little area.
Bush loves photo ops that feature him standing in front of our troops saying he cares about them, despite the fact that Rumsfeld has pissed and crapped all over them.
Bush has been working to take away the protections that the working man and woman have enjoyed. He has made it very easy for his corporate friends to send labor to India and Asia and pay only a couple pennies per hour to these people.

So in summary, George W. Bush may be an Adolf Hitler in training.

See also Nazi
See also Adolf Hitler
by jesster79 January 24, 2005
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A group of religious extremists that are responsible for much of the misery present in the world today. A bunch of goddamned two face hypocrites who do not practice what they preach. A bunch of racist, homophobic pigs who cannot stand ideas like democracy, seperation of church and state, and people who think and believe differntly than they do.
The Religious Right embody so much of how Jesus Christ described the pharisees of old in Matthew 23.
by jesster79 January 29, 2006
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1. A melding of the names George W. Bush and Palpatine.

2. An apt description of Bush, because he is as power hungry, as evil, and as wretched as Palpatine.
Bushpatine is destroying democracy here at home and abroad.
by jesster79 February 8, 2006
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1. The taking and killing of animals by various methods for either food or sport.

2. About the fastest way to get oneself shot while in the company of Dick Cheney.
Going hunting with Dick Cheney is about the fastest way to get oneself shot, since going hunting with him is an accident waiting to happen.
by jesster79 March 3, 2006
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A nickname for one Mike Lindell due to his support of the Fourth Reich and its leader Trump.
The MeinPillow Guy is spouting off again on Facebook, Newsmax, OANN, and so on.
by jesster79 February 21, 2021
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