16 definitions by el hombre 123

The unfortunate return to reality and actual work after the unbelievable feeling of ecstasy and rest of a snowday. Symptoms include incredible drowsiness, inability to concentrate during any classes, vomiting, and lost love for snow.

Also when snow goes from magical unexpected holiday bringer to annoying water that turns into black ice which makes you fall on your ass.
Ex 1: Principal- Mr. Dawson, you have displayed an inability to concentrate today. You've been sent to my office for falling asleep in class, what could lead to such a disgraceful lack of work ethic?

Dude- Considering I spent a blissful day away from you and your hack teacher's asses yesterday, today was a bit of a tiring drag. In my defense its snow day hangover.

Ex 2:

Dude doing a presentation- "YAWN"

People watching- Another victim of snow day hangover...
by el hombre 123 March 1, 2010
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a respectable sport. Until these fans insult Australian Rules Football atrociously on this site. This shames the sport into nothing but an excuse to for prison rapists to get fresh air and grab testicles.
dude 1: Hey rugby is great!!!

dude 2: Yeah...yeah...it was, until I found out some fans are trolls who love to rip on the Australian Rules Football fans and the game. Now this proves that a distrubing majority of fans and players and former or current rapists/misfits in normal society.
by el hombre 123 July 5, 2009
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(noun) When you grab all the booze from a party and leave.

Combination of the phrase dip which means to bounce from a place abruptly, and Dublin referring to the Irish love for drinking.
Danny: "Yo this party is fuckin wack let's get out of here."
Brandon: "I've got a better idea let's take all their shit first."
Danny: "Word time to pull the Dublin Dip, its in my blood."

partygoer 15 minutes later: "Yo doood where's my 30?"

Example 2:

Justin: OH FUCK THE COPS ARE HERE!!! Finna Dublin Dip out of this bitch!
by el hombre 123 January 30, 2012
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like every other kind of rot like crotchrot but with your head. Its when your up at 3 AM playing addicting games or reading celebrity twitters or watching terribly unintentionally hilarious pron. Basically, mindrot is doing something crushingly stupid while your mind slowly melts and all of your intelligence bleeds out of your ears.
Me- Yo, I was just so high, I decided to go on youtube and watch parkour accidents! Its was awesome but it was total fuckin mindrot.

My Friend- Dude you need a chick.

Me- Yeah real bad, fapping gets old.
by el hombre 123 June 27, 2009
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its the soup that comes out of your cock warm and ready to serve 1-2 girls.
Ex 1:

Guy 1- Hey dude, hows latika?

Guy 2- Oh she's good, she was getting kind of hungry last night during sex so while she blew me I served her some of my homemade cream of man all over her face.

Guy 1- Can I have some?

Guy 2- "punches guy 1, walks away and tries to forget incident"

Ex 2-

Kid- When I was watching that Kayden Krossvideo on pornhub, I spilled a piping hot serving of cream of man all over my keyboard, I totally missed the tissue.
by el hombre 123 June 27, 2009
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aka the sun cult. A great way to make friends and have fun with your friends playing games online but eventually devolves into a giant nerdy circle jerk.
Little Bobby (Before Xbox Live)- Fresh air is great. I love my family. I love my dog and life.

Litte Bobby (2 Weeks into Xbox Live)- I still love my family. This acne is getting bad. I kind of don't like life. Girls don't go for me.

Little Bobby (1 Month in)- ZOMG! I'm a level 3332423434 prestige on COD 4 and yesterday I jizzed in a master chief helmet with all my buds from Xbox Live. I love nico bellic and worship him as my messiah. I haven't heard a girls voice in years. Life fucks and sucks. What the fuck is grass? Oh yeah, I hate my family and fresh air. Also I had to kill my dog for food because the hot pockets ran out. I shit in a pan because I can't miss a moment of this Left 4 Dead round. "splooges all over collector's copy of Saints Row 2"
by el hombre 123 June 27, 2009
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A great fucking decade. There was the classic old dial up internet, good cartoons, movies, music, sex, drugs, culture, tv, etc. Typically considered the hangover of the party 80's, but if the 90s was a hangover then I'd get drunk every night just to get a hangover.
Example 1:

From good nickelodeon and cartoon network to Austin Powers to Oasis to the pre 9/11 NYC and world in general, the 90's were the last great years in history.

Example 2:

Greatest things about the 1990s:

by el hombre 123 June 26, 2009
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