2 definitions by You Are Most Likely An Idiot.

Look at you trying to be a hotshot! I bet you've typed qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm so many times you can't anymore! Well sorry, but someone typed it before you. Now get back to whatever you were doing and leave me alone.
You: (Not giving up)
You: psjtvfzaqswdergthyukilomnbvcxz
You: (Sees this definition)
You: (Obviously crushed emotionally) Oh. Ok then...
by You Are Most Likely An Idiot. January 27, 2021
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Looks like someone needs something to do! By this point, I bet you've looked at one too many of these style definitions. I don't blame ya, I mean I just did it!
You: Ok. I know what to type!
You: (Types in xznmvcbnsaklfdhjgwqopreuity)
Me: Well, there's always next time.
You: (Who was trying to create a new keyboard combination) (Visible Sadness)
by You Are Most Likely An Idiot. January 27, 2021
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