14 definitions by Tim Freckman

Liberal moron who mocks the Armed Forces that have sacrificed so much just to give the liberal moron a right to espouse pointless, irrelevent, and inflamatory rhetoric in public and to give aid and comfort to the enemy.

Also see - Sucker, dumbass, Hillary Lovin'retard and Soccor Mom
Hopefully all of the human Sheilds will have their American citizenship revoked.

Hopefully the human shields with American Citzenship will get the tip of a US Marine's bayonet!
by Tim Freckman March 27, 2003
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A violent bugamist Biker. (See Pulp Fiction)
Zed played eeny-meeny-miney-moe to decide who he was going to bugger first.
by Tim Freckman March 14, 2003
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An incredibly stupid person. Synonyms: Dumb fuck, dip stick, doofus, or dip shit.
She got an F on the Government 101 test. What a Lawn Dart!
by Tim Freckman March 14, 2003
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A physically unattractive man who gives fellation in front of Candy stores. (believed to have orginated in San Francisco in the mid 70s - possibly during the filming of a Mitchell bros. Porn Flick - Sodom and Gommorrah)
The mayor was really pissed off that the Lolli Queen would do his act in front of the japanese tourists.
by Tim Freckman March 20, 2003
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A woman that needs to shave every morning to avoid being visited by side show recruiters.
My sister has a 3 o'clock shadow. What a Bethman!
Did you smell that Bethman's Cheap AfterShave?!?
by Tim Freckman March 14, 2003
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A woman who must shave twice a day in order to keep from being approached by Side Show promoters.

Also-The Bestman in a lesbian wedding. (A very common term in San Francisco)
Did you see that Bethman's 2 o'clock Shadow?!

The Bethman let out a loud burp as she handed her th ering!
by Tim Freckman March 20, 2003
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Pretending to be a great lover when in fact you're really a pathetic self-abuser that took his cousin to the Prom.
After the intense but of Homo Panic Dave sought to comfort himself by Zimming his Friends.

You're Zimming Me. She wouldn;t screw you for a million bucks!
by Tim Freckman March 20, 2003
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