45 definitions by The Wog Whomper

A part of a motor car. A motor car may have three or four of them touching the road, and one in the boot.
Every Englishman has the right to piss on the right front tyre of a parked motor car.
by The Wog Whomper May 4, 2005
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An electronic device carried on the shoulder of an illiterate, inconsiderate slob. Its sole purpose is to make white folks angry.
Shauntay got his ghetto blaster on his shoulder today.
by The Wog Whomper May 1, 2005
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Money coerced and collected from honest, hard-working people in proportion to their INCOME. This means that the harder a person works, the more he is taxed. Taxes are NOT collected on WEALTH, which explains why rich people pay few taxes.

Therein lies the explanation why pollutocrats like John Kerry, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Kennedy, who have millions of dollars, want to raise taxes. They have great wealth but not-so-great incomes, so they pay very low taxes. It's YOUR ass they want to tax.

This also explains why higher taxes are the liberal's favorite solution to every problem. Higher taxes cost him nothing, but the entitlements they pay for buy votes from members of the entitled groups. This explains why black folks like to vote for John Kerry. You didn't think they like his face, did you?

Note a fundamental truth of the universe: Corporations do NOT pay taxes. Never have. Never will. They merely collect taxes and pass them on to the government. If the government slaps a high tax on corporations, the corporations merely raise the prices of the goods they sell, and pass the cost along to the consumer.
Hillary Clinton lay in bed, momentarily troubled because she could not think of a new way to raise taxes.
by The Wog Whomper May 1, 2005
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A Douglas Dauntless airplane from World War II.

A silent but foul fart. "Silent but deadly."
Lieutenant Walters climbed into his SBD and shouted at Sergeant Powers, who had left an SBD in there.
by The Wog Whomper May 11, 2005
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A man who begets and helps to raise his children. He strives to keep them safe and healthy. He works to feed and clothe them, and to send them to trade school or college. He gives them every opportunity to grow in experience and wisdom. He teaches them how to camp, how to shoot, and how to fix cars.

If he has a daughter, the time will come when he has to chase away a cretin who has a picture of Calvin taking a leak in the window of his pickup truck.
I work hard to be a good father to all my kids. I've raised them all to be wise and productive.
by The Wog Whomper May 11, 2005
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A defining characteristic of the Pachuco. A notification that the wearer is a street gang member and should be beaten up immediately.
Hey, let's go beat up that greasy-haired Pachuco before he crosses the street.
by The Wog Whomper May 11, 2005
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