45 definitions by The Wog Whomper

A coin-operated device, used by low-lifes, cretins, old ladies with blue hair, and idiots who like ringing bells and flashing lights. The sole purpose of a slot machine is to redistribute wealth from the poor and stupid to the rich.

The devices that built the Strip in Las Vegas.

A device into which Californians put the money that finances Nevada's schools.
Shirley cashed her paycheck in the Nevada Club and put all the money into a slot machine.
by The Wog Whomper May 11, 2005
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A porcelain object often found mounted on the sides of public buildings in Italy.
Luigi stepped up to the urinal and took a whiz while the crowd kept walking behind him.
by The Wog Whomper May 4, 2005
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A dog, typically a pekingese or a cocker spaniel, that continually emits foul-smelling binderfenders.

Binderfender hounds are often laps dogs for old ladies who pamper them and feed them rich foods.
Lum Kee is a reeking binderfender hound. He stunk up the dog show last week.
by The Wog Whomper May 11, 2005
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A keister. A butt.

Old Yiddish word for arse. The basis for the word tush.
Myra, would you get up off your tochas already and feed the children?
by The Wog Whomper May 11, 2005
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A small wooden structure that serves in lieu of a commode, and is found behind houses in Arkansas, Alabama, and other places where people drawl.

The kybo door has a crescent moon carved in it. The purpose of this moon is to provide access for flies.

Inside a kybo is a bench with one or two holes in it. A kybo with a single hole in the bench is called a one-holer. A kybo with two holes in the bench is called a two-holer.

Hanging on the wall inside the kybo is a Sears Roebuck catalog. Or maybe a big tin can full of corn cobs (from which arose the phrase, rough as a cob).

A kybo may have a sheet metal chimney extending above the roof. This is called a fart muffler.

Experienced users visit the kybo at mealtimes, when all the flies gather in the dining room.
There once was a farmer named Clyde
Who went in the kybo and died.
His brother, named Lou,
Went and died in there too.
Now they're interred side-by-side.

Lem 'n' Jake, they was a-sittin' in the kybo, when Jake yells "Dagnab it! I done dropped a nickel down the hole!" Ol' Jake gets up, reaches in his bib overhalls, pulls out a twenty dollar bill, an' tosses it down the hole.

"Hey, Jake," drawls ol' Lem, "Why in tarnation you bin tossin' that twenty down the hole fer?"

An' Jake says, "Well now, ya don't think I'm gonna go down there jest to fetch a nickel, do ya?"
by The Wog Whomper May 1, 2005
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An Irishman.

A common expression for a couple of centuries.
Here comes that bog hopper and his goat.
by The Wog Whomper May 1, 2005
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The exquisite cuisine of Oakland, California, especially as prepared by Everett and Jones.
I goin' to the soul food restaurant and get me some buffalo fish.
by The Wog Whomper May 1, 2005
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