52 definitions by The Sub

A sport invented in Massachusetts, and unlike most other sports, has actually become more masculine over the years, with the introduction of longer shorts.
Basketball went from white people shooting around in thigh-huggers, to black guys slam dunking and laying up in long shorts.
by The Sub February 26, 2005
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Going to the gym and doing nothing but maxed out bench pressing (Usually a grand total of 3 reps every set), and bicep curls with dumbbells.

Coined by the fact that most guidos concentrate more on their chest and partial arms than they do on triceps, back, abdominals, and most importantly, legs and cardio.
I walked into the gym and heard screams of agony and torture. The guidos must be maxing out their bench press again.
by The Sub March 11, 2005
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On a multi-lane road (usually a highway or mainstreet), lane drifting is when a car suddenly begins 'drifting' over the lanes, usually because the driver isn't paying attention, or cannot see the lanes because they aren't painted well enough.

Usually they'll hover between two lanes, going the speed limit, and holding up traffic in both lanes.
I was stuck going 65 because the guy infront of me was lane drifting between the left lane and center lane, and was apparently oblivious to the chorus of car horns being layed upon him.
by The Sub March 2, 2005
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In baseball, when two teams from the same city (usually in different leagues) meet.
Began with the Boston Braves vs. Boston Red Sox. Today it's popular to describe the New York Mets vs. New York Yankees series as the subway series.
by The Sub February 1, 2005
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Sometimes spelled whitie, a whity is used in urban areas to describe a white person with no distinct nationality from the suburbs. They usually sport blowout haircuts, and expensive clothing which they wear with little essence of styling other than what they saw on the manicines in Abercombie and Fitch.

They only come to urban parties for two reasons... drugs (usually cocaine or oxycontin) or girls. Because they rarely know anyone else at the party, you'll observe that more often than not they'll mess with the people nobody fucks with, including drug dealers, and the gang banging type.
Some high-class girls came to our party, and naturally, some whity kids followed. Bringing drugs around here is bad enough, but then they started getting in the faces of some pretty dangerous people, and ended up with liquor bottles over their heads.
by The Sub February 26, 2005
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1) An orgy with one female.

2) When a gang or clique beats the living hell out of a smaller number of people, usually just one or two people. This is usually the case when a whity decides that he could act wild against the crips or jocks at an inner city party.
1) That chick is a total slut. She let 3 guys gang bang her!

2) Some kid from a Catholic school was getting wild when a local gang banger was hitting on his chick (This chick being the only reason the whity was even at the party). The gang banger and his friends showed him the door, head first.
by The Sub February 26, 2005
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1) A movie starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker.

2) Evening hours when the roads begin to get congested like a fat man's arteries. Usually starts around 4 and ends at 8, reaching total gridlock at 5. Drivers during these hours seem to be more concerned with not letting you get infront of them in lane switches (by speeding up alongside of you) than their own wellbeing. They also don't want to wait more than 3 milliseconds to take a left turn even when there is oncoming traffic. Even if they broke a hundred traffic laws to get there, drivers still seem to obey the speed limit when they are the first car in traffic, while everyone else is tailgating. Argh.
1) Rush Hour was funny.

2) Rush hour is not funny.
by The Sub February 17, 2005
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