545 definitions by Telephony

Simply put: the acronym for Soggy Toliet Paper.
It is *** NOT*** the motor oil additive that makes your car motor run better!
Don't use that end stall!!! It has STP in it!!!
by Telephony May 29, 2015
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BarneySplat was a BBS door game that allowed the player to do all kinds of cruel things to our favourite bloated & distended purple dinosaur Barney.

Released by Bong Software in 1993, this text-only game allowed the player to get Barney drunk or stoned; even Baby Bop and the kids get to smoke out and get hammered. You also receive opportunities to kill the satanic purple pedophile ?(along with everybody el;se!) in addition to getting everybody ripped or stupid-drunk until they're all eliminated from the game.

An example screen would look like this:

"I have an idea!" Barney says. "Let's have a TEA party!"
Everyone gets out the tea and cookies, you get ready your arsonic and alcohol.

Fun things to try at the "TEA" party:
(S)pike it
try to make (P)eace tea
or (D)on't do anything
Hey Carlton! That BBS I was just on has BarneySplat in their door games menu!
by Telephony June 23, 2019
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The incorrect way to say, "piss in the bed".
After all, you don't say, "piss the toilet" or, "piss the bottle"; you'd say, "piss IN the toilet" or, "piss IN the bottle".
{Mother} : Jimmy, no more Kool Aid tonight or else you might piss the bed.
{Jimmy}: Mommy, don't you mean I might piss in the bed?
by Telephony January 17, 2018
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A bone crook is a dog who steals or hides a bone from other dogs in the household.
The bone crook is sneaky enough to pull off the crime without the other dogs knowing.
Murphy stole a big-ass ham bone from in front of the fireplace and stealthily skittered down the stairs with it without the other dogs' knowledge. When I looked for the bone, I had found that the bone crook ate the fucker!
by Telephony April 5, 2018
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How some people pronounce the phrase, "chocolate mousse" {"mousse" should be pronounced as though it were spelled, "moose"}.
{Norm}: Awww motherfucker pussy cocksucker!!!
{Debbie:} What happened Norm?
{Norm}: I just nocked over this fucking chocolate mouse and now there's brown shit all over the floor!
by Telephony July 25, 2014
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Slang term for the female cunt; esp. if that pussy's owner is on the rag.
Don't fuck Jessica tonight; she has a bloody hatchet wound and you'll get your dick covered in her menstruation!!!
by Telephony October 1, 2018
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It means the same as pissed off but with much more severity.
Jack was piddled-off...no, pissed off...er...um...fucking shitted off that some true-blue total asshaberdasher had kicked the urinal off the wall and then smashed it to bits with a hammer, knowing full well that it will be months before Jack can afford to have it replaced!
by Telephony September 7, 2019
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