4 definitions by Stephen Thomas

A horrifically traumatising game, as played by primary and junior school children, in which girls chase around any boy who they want to kiss. It's a rubbish game. I never got a kiss.
Boy 1: (behind shed) Are they gone yet?
Boy 2: (hiding in bush by bike shed) Nah, they're never gonna stop kiss chasing.
by Stephen Thomas May 9, 2005
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The REAL meaning for FCUK. Not just worn by fat chavs though. Thin chavs wear it too.
"I love FCUK"
"You are THE FCUK"
by Stephen Thomas November 18, 2004
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A wonderfully British band, very punk, very rock. Winners of the Battle of the Bands 2004, lovers of Blink 182 (but don't hold it against them) and generally all-round good Christians!
"I saw Take Aim tonight. They were good. I think. I wasn't really listening."
by Stephen Thomas November 12, 2004
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A loose translation of this well-known urban slang: 'a low-key Eastern Japanese spinach grower who lives by the rice paddy and stores the year's crop in the basement beneath the hatchdoor.'
"I'm a spud farmer."
"I'm a door in the floor"
by Stephen Thomas November 18, 2004
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