50 definitions by SomeBadJoke

I procrastinated too long, and now the paper is due tomorrow! I haven't even started on it yet!! *starts writing nonstop*

Procrastination brings about the most busy day of your live eventually if you keep doing it.
by SomeBadJoke March 19, 2006
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Sprite comic using character sprites from the Megaman game series.

Common cliches in these comics include:
1. Using sprites from Megaman 7
2. Megaman being a total idiot who loves ice cream
3. Bass being even stupider
4. Protoman being a total badass who's more intelligent than Megaman and Bass combined
5. The "author" being a recoloring of Megaman's sprite from Megaman 7 without his helmet
6. Every character (or many of them) being out to destroy the author

There are many of them out on the web, and most of them use the same jokes to make them funny, but many are also quite original and very enjoyable.
Bob and George is a well-known Megaman sprite comic
by SomeBadJoke September 11, 2006
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A type of music which mostly originated from Puerto Rico. Ironic, though, that it's called REGGAEton when it sounds almost nothing like actual reggae. It's more like rap with Spanish vocals.

But anyway... it is a type of music where:
1. Every song has the same beat
2. Every artist sounds the same
3. Every song is about the same thing: Women

Seriously, just listen to ONE reggaeton song and you've heard every single song in the universe. There is absolutely nothing that makes one song any different from another except for the lyrics themselves, which don't even matter because every artist basically sounds the same - uses the same vocal style and uses the same subject matter. It has even less variety than rap, which is sad indeed.

Is usually played at dance parties to get all the people to dance, which is mostly the only reason why it's popular - because it's dance music. You really can't use reggaeton for anything else other than dancing, because if you actually LISTEN to it, trust me - you're not gonna find anything new.
Do you want to make stupid people dance? Just get one reggaeton song - ANY song. It'll work. Don't bother trying to look for something specific - you'll get the same result in any other song. But reggaeton sucks anyway.
by SomeBadJoke August 23, 2006
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If you were to ask an average teenage girl who listens to pop punk WHY she likes certain pop punk bands, the answer you'll most likely get is that she thinks the guys in the band are "hot."

Seriously. When was the last time you heard a girl say she liked Fall Out Boy without also saying that "Pete Wentz is liek omfg SOO HAWT!!1!"? It's the same with bands like Green Day, My Chemical Romance, or any others that are popular right now.

If the bands' fans would learn to appreciate them for their musical talent rather than their members' looks, then maybe there wouldn't be so many idiots making the band look like a bunch of terrible no-talent sellouts (or, in fact, actually MAKING them terrible no-talent sellouts).
Guy: So I see you like Fall Out Boy. May I ask why?

Pop Punk fangirl: OMFG becuz Pete Wentz is liek SOOOO HAWT!1! Hes in that band and liek hes totally SEXII!1!

Guy: ... Ok... and what about their music??

Pop Punk fangirl: Ohh yes!! Patrick Stump's voice is SOOOO WONDERFUL!!! Ahhh.. *swoons*

Guy: -_- wait here while I go get a heavy object...
by SomeBadJoke November 2, 2006
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WTF happened?? Disney was supposed to be all about the classic cartoons, but now it's about... Preppy sluts and horrible pop music! What the hell???

I wouldn't give a crap about this channel, but my sister watches it all the time and idolizes any star that appears on the screen, including some such as Hillary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Raven Symone, Christy Carlson Romano, and lots of other preps whose pathetic excuses for "music" are no better than the shows they star in.

Disney is well known for using and reusing the same actors every time in new movies they come up with, which they do so almost every two months or so. This is called Disney Channel Star Syndrome, and the worst part is that at least one of the actors/actresses will sing the theme song for the movie, which is always gonna be another horrible pop song that no sane teenager in their right mind would want to hear for more than one second.

So, to sum it up, aside from the shows and movied aired on it, Disney Channel is the world's largest promoter of preppy pop music that's just annoying the hell out of me. Since when was being a prep cool anyway?
Oh look, Disney Channel is making a new movie, and Hillary Duff's in it! Such a nice idea to use this actress after they've used her in at least 10 other shows. And look, she's gonna be singing the theme song, and it's a terrible pop song! COVER YOUR EARS!!!
by SomeBadJoke August 5, 2006
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A show where you watch supposedly humorous home video clips of people. 90% of the "funny" stuff is people randomly falling down or tripping over something.
"Hay man did u watch America's Funniest Home Videos?? The guy fell down!! HAHA!"

"Yea. It was.. unfunny. To say the least."
by SomeBadJoke October 8, 2007
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A genre of music that evolved from rock in the late 70s and early 80s.

Is characterized by heavily distorted guitars, giving them a deep, rough sound, which is where the "heavy" part came from; powerful drums, and thick bass. Usually includes very complex guitar work and amazing solos.

Black Sabbath is often considered the original heavy metal band. Bands like Metallica and Iron Maiden are considered the perfectors of the genre, and pioneers of the overall 80s metal scene.

Over the years, it has evolved into several subgenres. The most popular one with metalheads is thrash metal, but there are several others such as power metal, doom metal, black metal, death metal, etc.

The most recent subgenre that's spawned in today's modern scene is nu metal. This subgenre has basically the same characteristics of traditional metal, except for the fact that guitar solos are very rare, if not included at all. This has caused many metalheads to look down upon it as "shit", "poser metal", or "mallcore" (many people also link it to "emo", as sometimes they may have similar lyrics).

Contrary to popular belief, heavy metal is NOT Satanic. Only black metal (and sometimes death metal) bands portray that kind of imagery. However, it's not because they actually worship Satan, but because they're against Christianity as a whole. Some other metal bands of other genres may occasionally use Satanic imagery in their songs, but once again, it's not because they worship Satan. It's just to add deeper meaning and emotion to their songs.

Also contrary to popular belief, it is NOT all mindless incomprehensible screaming. There is another subgenre of metal called "metalcore". These bands usually scream all the lyrics in their songs, and at the moment, metalcore is the most popular subgenre of metal. However, screaming metal bands only account for less than 25% of the entire genre. Metal bands like Iron Maiden, Stratovarius, Symphony X, and Kamelot incorporate very melodic vocals in their music, hardly ever screaming, if at all. If they do scream, it's only for a moment, to add emotion to a section of the song.
*Traditional Metal - Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest
*Thrash Metal - Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeth, Testament, Exodus
*Power Metal - Blind Guardian, Manowar, Stratovarius, Helloween, Edguy, Rhapsody of Fire
*Progressive Metal - Dream Theater, Symphony X, King's X, Opeth
*Grindcore - Napalm Death, Anal Cunt, Carcass
*Death Metal - Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Necrophagist, Children of Bodom
*Black Metal - Venom, Emperor, Bathory, Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem, Burzum
*Nu Metal - Korn Slipknot, Deftones, Disturbed, System of a Down
*Metalcore - Unearth, Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage, Trivium (early albums), Hatebreed

In my opinion, all heavy metal is good. I know there are many "true metalheads" that will say all nu metal sucks, or all metalcore sucks, and that only old metal is good, but then they're not appreciating the metal genre as a whole. I say, why take your anger out on subgenres of your own favorite music, when you could take it out on those that are obscuring it further, like rap and pop?

If it's metal, it's metal. There shouldn't be any arguments about "true and false metal". It's just music. A guitarist doesn't have to be fucking Kirk Hammet or Kerry King to be talented. A song doesn't have to include a blazing fast solo like in Iron Maiden's Hallowed Be Thy Name to be good. Bands don't have to sound like the big names from the 80s to be great.

And speaking of big names.. Metallica, Slayer, Iron Maiden, etc. are NOT the only good metal bands around. Granted, most of today's mainstream metal is unpopular with diehard metalheads, if you keep looking, you'll find many modern metal bands that are surprisingly good, like Edguy and Children of Bodom. Metal did NOT die in the 80s as many think, and this is why it will remain to please us all with its wonderful sound, unlike rap and pop that have no variety or talent whatsoever.
by SomeBadJoke February 4, 2007
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