195 definitions by Shawn B.

One of the best books ever written...a novel based on WWII written by Joseph Heller.
The previous entry had a better example...go read theirs ^
by Shawn B. June 15, 2003
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Food that should not be eaten before or after you eat ice cream. If you do, you will get Violent Explosive Diarrhea.
by Shawn B. May 19, 2003
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An upside-down circumflex (^) appearing over random vowels in languages such as Hungarian, Croatian and Serbian.
Turn that ^ upside down..you've got a breve!
by Shawn B. November 29, 2003
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The best kids' show ever; it could run rings around Barney,Maisie, and Max and Ruby!
Sesame Street is a classic
by Shawn B. July 15, 2003
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Ja Rule and The Parrot of R&B make a good couple because both of them make lame music....if you can call the latter's trite BS 'music'!
by Shawn B. August 10, 2003
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Phrase shouted when all does NOT go as planned, or when the subject is feeling extreme dismay.
A- Oh,crap! the computer's dead! And I forgot to save my term paper...the one that's due in six hours! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

B- RatchetBoo: Uhhhhhh...Shawn, I've got bad news. Remember that school that's been begging you to go there? They put this in your bed...
*gives me the head of a saluki dog*

by Shawn B. June 1, 2003
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