1061 definitions by Sexydimma

a French- de France- phrase meaning 'you can do much better than this (in terms of the quality of the work you have done)
father: son, your report card, I'm afraid, ça laisse à désirer. Therefore, in order to motivate you to save your sinking Titanic, even if you don't give a rat's ass about it, I'm taking away your allowance. Now, comme du monde, go redo your homework.
by Sexydimma February 7, 2014
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similar to a stag party, but one where there are only females.
a guy could probably go to a doe party, but only on Halloween, or as a security guard on any other day
by Sexydimma March 3, 2015
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Accusing someone of committing the same immoral/ illegal that you yourself are committing.
Stop being the pot turning the kettle black unless you are an angel yourself. one of the reasons Hillary Clinton lost the election in 2016 is because she tried to be the pot turning the kettle black when it came to finding negative things to say about Donald Trump
by Sexydimma November 18, 2016
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Accusing someone of committing the same immoral/ illegal that you yourself are committing.
Stop being the pot turning the kettle black unless you are an angel yourself.
by Sexydimma February 13, 2015
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1) without any seemingly particular effort
2) in unfavorable circumstances
3) in a game of when your team is not on the power play
4) hand-over-fist in British English slang
Person a: can Sidney Crosby score short-handed, even after his injury of Jan 2011-Feb 2012?

Person b: we'll have to wait and see.
by Sexydimma November 16, 2014
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one of two things:

a) in hockey, a situation where your team is down a man because one your players is in the penalty box

b) a phrase meaning without any particular effort
person 1) Can Sidney Crosby score a short-handed goal after his injury of January 2011?

person 2): IMHO Sidney Crosby will do so not only short-handed, but also blindfolded at the same time.
by Sexydimma October 5, 2012
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1) without any seemingly particular effort
2) in unfavorable circumstances
3) in a game of poker, starting out with the worst possible hand
Person a: can Sidney Crosby score short-handed, even after his injury of Jan 2011-Feb 2012?

Person b: we'll have to wait and see.
by Sexydimma May 2, 2013
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