12 definitions by SIR DIRTY SANCHEZ

When a man is about to preform oral sexual pleasures on a woman, then out of nowhere that woman releases a quief or vaginal flatulance into the males face spraying him with hott air that reakes of sulfure and some what feels like a dragons breath.
i gave tom the worst case of dragons breath last night.said flo.
by SIR DIRTY SANCHEZ March 1, 2005
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uncut skin srounding the very tip of the penis also known as faggot's bubble gum.
dude i really need to do something about my foreskin its causing a massive jizz block in my urthera.
by SIR DIRTY SANCHEZ February 28, 2005
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a vagina designed with red pubic hair giving it a copper tint.
i wonder if shes gotta copper box
by SIR DIRTY SANCHEZ February 27, 2005
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to make along story short its the gentlemen's way of saying:"Yo bitch lets fuck right now!"its also done very quickly and to make it an offical wham bam thank you mam never talk to the woman again in your live.
Sir Manchowder:so sanchez what did u and "lisa" do last night?
Sir Sanchez:oh just gave her a wham bam thank you mam thats all.
by SIR DIRTY SANCHEZ February 28, 2005
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the sound of a scratchboard or turntables coming from a white boys mouth when trying to beatbox for others to enjoy
Quincy stayded up all night to work on his errait's.
by SIR DIRTY SANCHEZ March 2, 2005
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the act of farting in the palm of your hand and closing it very tightly so no substance comes out,then when some poor shmuck is not ready for it you unleash the gas from your kung-fu grip directly into the face of your victim.if done correctly you will bring tears to the eyes of the recevier.in some cases of tear gasing but very rare the victim will pass out.
hey chuck give your girlfriend betty a tear gasing!it might get her to finally shut up!
by SIR DIRTY SANCHEZ March 1, 2005
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Refers to a non-menthol cigarette.Is called a red because of the red marking on its crush proof pack.Reds are also called full flavor cigarettes or regulars.Most popular brand is the Marborolo Red.
Dude #1:Hey gotta smoke?
Dude#2:Yea here.
Dude#1:Awhh!Is it a Red?
Dude#2:Yea why?
Dude#1:Reds make me sick,take it back.
by SIR DIRTY SANCHEZ March 7, 2005
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