40 definitions by Rill GiktokExcelticus

A state of pre-tragedy grief; when you experience grief IN PREPARATION for a tragedy that you expect to happen soon
When meeting my grandfather in the hospital, I experienced emotional terror.
by Rill GiktokExcelticus May 2, 2019
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A person who has a negative or hostile attitude towards anything that isn't 100% positivity. These kinds of people have the good vibes only mindset & expect everything to go perfectly 100% of the time to their taste. If something should go wrong, they have a hostile mentality towards it.
When I expressed how I felt to the Optimism Cop, he told me not to "be negative".
by Rill GiktokExcelticus September 12, 2021
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Another & even more funnier way of saying "The (F-word)"
by Rill GiktokExcelticus June 26, 2017
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A laptop computer which does not work to your specified needs or otherwise crashes often
I was typing some work on my lapotp and it froze right in the middle of my document.
by Rill GiktokExcelticus February 20, 2017
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A practice where the fire marshal visits the building to release a fire hornrt nest, which fear people enough for them to evacuate the building without the need for the fire alarm. A few people will get stung by fire hornrts on the way out of the building
The fire drill was scary yesterday!
by Rill GiktokExcelticus July 13, 2018
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