47 definitions by Qit

Someone (usually a straight man) who is genuinely attracted to people who are (at very least) fleshier than the ideal. Usually abbreviated as FA. See also: chubby-chaser, chubby chaser, FFA.
Ron came to the conclusion that he was a fat admirer when he finally accepted that he found Kelly Osbourne far more attractive than Mischa Barton.
by Qit May 8, 2005
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One of several bands that I actually consistently like.
"Who stole my Dream Theater CD? There's going to be a reckoning!"
by Qit January 21, 2004
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Any straight woman who, for some reason, happens to spend a lot of time around gay men.
"I go to the gay bar because I don't get hit on there."
"No, you go to the gay bar because you're a fag hag!"
by Qit March 29, 2004
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1) A bastard, in the figurative sense. Good word to know if you're in a situation in which it wouldn't be smart to actually say "bastard."

2) A treacherous person.
"Your brother's been back-biting me again. One of these days, I'll deck that little fink!"
by Qit January 13, 2004
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"Big Beautiful Woman." A cute fat chick. And yes, they do exist.
Mary stormed into her apartment, her hair still damp and her round, pretty face suffused with anger, and threw the bag containing her size-18 SlimSuit™ violently into the corner. Those smirking gym rats at the pool had gotten on her last nerve, and swimming circles around them didn't help any longer. As if it wasn't bad enough that her latest attempt at dieting had only managed to make her feel tired and cranky!

Finally, she sat down at the computer and began drafting a tentative personal ad: "BBW seeks real man..."
by Qit October 9, 2004
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