47 definitions by Qit

1) A little magical sprite with insect wings. Usually either grants wishes or wreaks mischief.

2) A gay man who acts more stereotypically feminine than most straight women.
"Do you really expect us to believe that there's a fairy in your mother's garden?"

"Have you noticed that as soon as Joe came out, he turned into an utter fairy?"
by Qit January 21, 2004
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This should mean someone who's afraid of sameness, or afraid of humans. Instead, it means someone who hates homosexuals (but may or may not actually be afraid of them).
"Why were they gay-bashing?"
"Because they're homophobes."
"But if they're scared of gays, why didn't they run screaming at the sight of them?"
"I didn't come up with the term!"
by Qit February 26, 2004
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A cat/rabbit hybrid. Exists in anime. Doesn't exist in the real world...but try telling some people that.
"There wuz this he-rabbit whut liked ta mount she-cats...and one'a dem she-cats had a litter of bobtailed kittens whut hopped!"
"Was there a Manx tom in the neighborhood?"
"I dunno...but I tell ya, dem wuzn't no Manx kittens, dem wuz cabbits!"
by Qit April 5, 2004
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1) To filch (presumably a portmanteau of "grab" and "yank").

2) To playerkill in an MMORPG.

3) To insult or slander.
"I ganked a bag of chips out of the break room."

"Why do his characters keep getting ganked?"
"Beats me."

"I don't have any proof yet...but I think Brent has been ganking me."
by Qit February 26, 2004
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A vulpine. That is, a small, mainly carnivorous mammal with a pointed muzzle and a fuzzy tail. In the dog family, but possessing feline characteristics.
"The little gray fox narrowly avoided being hit by a car."
by Qit February 23, 2004
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Rom nomad. Sometimes considered a derogatory term.
"I'm part gypsy somewhere way back."
by Qit February 23, 2004
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Sexually attracted to the same sex. That is, men who want it from men, and women who want it from women. Not necessarily obsessed with anal or oral sex. The common slang term is "gay." (Also used is "queer," but you shouldn't use that term unless you are yourself one.)

Not necessarily any more lewd, kinky, perverted, or normal than straights...but not necessarily any less so.
"Those scripture-thumpers are protesting the idea of a homosexual running for the Senate."
"Huh? I thought that candidate was just gay!"
by Qit February 26, 2004
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