47 definitions by Qit

1) A short, squatty little penis which circumference exceeds its length when erect.

2) A creep.

3) An awful guy named Chad.

4) The perineum.

Also spelled "chode."
"If that little choad doesn't steer clear of me, he's going to get injured!"
by Qit January 13, 2004
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A bad fast food chain. The food has grease and calories through the roof, is likely to cause food poisoning, and doesn't even taste good. Its symbol is often optimistically called the Golden Arches; but in actuality, it's a huge, piss-yellow "M."

Often sued by people who got fat on the product. While it's true that no one made them eat there, the company kind of deserves it.
"I've given up eating at McDonalds; the food literally makes me sick."
by Qit February 25, 2004
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Someone who refuses to either eat or wear anything derived from an animal. Not necessarily any less healthy than your typical omnivore—contrary to popular belief, you can get protein from some plants—but not necessarily any more so.

Also not inherently self-righteous...but altogether too many of them are.
"You can preach veganism at me all you want...but I'm not giving up chicken strips, silk shirts, or leather boots. Get over it."
by Qit January 21, 2004
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Female Fat Admirer. A variant on "FA" which leaves no doubt as to the gender of the person in question. In short, a woman who prefers BHM—although it could theoretically also mean a lesbian who prefers BBW.
"I grabbed big handfuls of his love handles and told him right out that I like guys his size. And I still don't think he realizes that I'm a FFA!"
by Qit February 26, 2004
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A Nissan with luxury options--in short, a utilitarian car with snob appeal.
"Is that a Maxima?"
"No, it is not! It is an Infiniti I30!"
"In other words...it's a Maxima."
by Qit June 25, 2004
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Someone who will beat you over the head with whatever text they hold most sacred—be that the Bible, the Communist Manifesto, "Atheism: The Case Against God," or "Stranger in a Strange Land"—until you agree with them on all points.
"A religious debate? No thanks; they bring out all the scripture-thumpers."
by Qit February 26, 2004
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