158 definitions by PhoenixGamer34

The opposite of yes and something some people will never accept as an answer, but they need to because no one will ever always get what they want as life was never meant to be fair and will never be fair, something that many people will never understand.
Idiot: Would you like to buy some crack?
Smart guy: No, I have no desire to get high.
Idiot: Why not?
Smart guy: Because I'm not stupid enough to do that and other stupid garbage like that. On the other hand, many people, such as yourself are.
Idiot: You hurt my feelings!
Smart guy: Deal with it, loser, your feelings mean nothing.
Idiot: Screw you!
Smart guy: Whatever
by PhoenixGamer34 June 5, 2021
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What some people are already calling the National Capital's NFL franchise because the new name is Washington Commanders.
The Washington Commies are not a good team.
by PhoenixGamer34 February 15, 2022
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Can be racist, despite the false notion that only white people can be racist and that all white people are racist just because they're white.
Anyone that is a hypocrite can suck my dick, not literally of course, because that's disgusting.
by PhoenixGamer34 March 28, 2022
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The round soft things on a women's chest.
Some, but not all men absolutely love breasts for some reason or another.
by PhoenixGamer34 November 20, 2022
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A term to describe a girl with abnormally large breasts.
Kyra has monster-sized breasts, she's definitely a Tits McGee.
by PhoenixGamer34 April 24, 2022
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A website for stupid, talentless lowlifes that were more likely than not, High School dropouts that want to make money but don't want to have to go to work every single fucking day.
Carson: Apparently Jenny has managed to make money everyday despite the fact that she was a High School dropout, which caused her to lose all respect that she had and doesn't have a real job.
Melba: How is she making money despite that?
Carson: She sells nudes on OnlyFans everyday.
Melba: That's absolutely disgusting and completely unacceptable.
Carson: Yeah, I've always seen her as her as a shady bitch, as have you and several other students, along with the teachers and staff members in School.
Melba: She will never learn, no matter how many times she will be advised to not do it and get a real job.
by PhoenixGamer34 September 14, 2021
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Corrupt, worthless, organization that claims to be helpful when it comes to health and safety and other crap like that, but in reality they just fuck over everyone they can when they can.
The CDC is fucking garbage and should not be taken serious.
by PhoenixGamer34 July 27, 2021
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