28 definitions by Phoenix

the exposed midrift of someone who shouldn't!!!!
The large fleshy part of a stomach, hips and back that hangs over hipster jeans. Is only refered to smorange if the
t-shirt or top of the wearer is short enough NOT to cover up all visable flesh.
by Phoenix October 26, 2004
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cock + goblin = cobblin
Stop spamming my phone, you cobblin.
by Phoenix November 24, 2003
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To be so fucked up you unable to move, talk,or see.
Man the other night I was hitting the bong I went past krunk I was fucking comatose.
by Phoenix January 31, 2004
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Pop is not soda! Pop is a stack function!
Stack s = new Stack();
int i = s.pop(); // equals 1
by Phoenix November 8, 2004
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1. KFC Titties. Usually had by those who are emplyoed by KFC and other fast-food restaurants, or those who frequent said restaurants often.
1. Damn, that fatass has some big Kitties!
by Phoenix January 20, 2005
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