28 definitions by Phoenix

A girl that looks hot on one night and then ugly the next, and so on alternating hot to ugly. Similar to the Seinfeld episode with the women who is good looking in certain amounts of light and ugly in others.
"I bumped into Kari last night, and didnt even know it was her, What a Wilma!"
"What's up with Audrey, she looked good last night and now she looks like my ass. What a Wilma."
by Phoenix May 3, 2004
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When you are doing an action that is very fast coordinated and has an overall good impression.
"Dam man ,look at that guy on the dance floor!Shit guy,he's blazing"
by Phoenix March 11, 2003
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In short, someone (usually female) who is generally unpleasant to be around. Basically the female equivalent of bastard.
Oh God, I HATE Christy. She's suh a fucking hose beast to everyone.
by Phoenix October 11, 2003
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X Multimedia system, like WinAmp but for linux
Dude, get Winamp!
I can't! I have linux!
Well then get xmms!

Okay, lame example...
by Phoenix November 28, 2003
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its how stupid sound out the word HONDA
"What kind of fucking car is that"
"I dunno..looks like..Ho-in-deh-ha"
"WTF is that??"
"obiviously a ricer"
by Phoenix April 18, 2004
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Lucid dreaming is basically dreaming while being aware that you are dreaming.If you are in a lucid dream, you will usually have some power over your dream - anything from being able to fly or making an object or room appear behind a door or inside a pocket right up to being able to change into animals and create a whole world! Lucid dreams have been scientifically proved to exist.
Last night I wanted to fly, and I flew. And I was in total control of it.
by Phoenix May 22, 2004
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another way of saying someone is being a major bitch
well, arent you just fucking cunt-tastic today!
by Phoenix March 28, 2005
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