10 definitions by P Diddy

A word used by anyone who trys to sound more "in the know" about cracking, pornography, online games, forums, and/or skills. Commnly used by wannabe's, newbies, and just plain old morons.
Dude! My Counter-Strike skills are 1337!
My FXP Board is 1337!
by P Diddy January 14, 2003
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The inability to get physically laid, forcing one to resort to "shadier" methods in order to do the deed.
"That trick Wanda wouldn't put out last night, so I had to have saxophone last night to finish up"
by P Diddy April 25, 2005
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Adjective descriptive of someone being "all over it"
Yo, that nigga is pressed for that girl.
by P Diddy April 25, 2003
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Term used to refer to White People when they are around so that They don't know.
The bunnies were off the hook last night.
by P Diddy April 25, 2003
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