39 definitions by Olly J

noun. A hardcore producer and DJ from Scotland. His record label, Evolution Records, has put out a number of highly successful releases. Scott Brown also produces a mix cd for the "Bonkers" compliation series.
"scott brown's kick drums are fucking *HARD* man! how does he get em to sound like that?"
by Olly J February 23, 2005
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See you around - like a circle.

Usually said when parting company with someone.
Dude 1: later dude, i gotta jet
Dude 2: see you like a circle...
by Olly J June 14, 2007
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a timeless phrase, used with great versatility. you can say this at pretty much any time or situation but definately works best when said during one of those long awkward pauses in a conversation.

sometimes shortened to simply "dental plan..." let open to completion by others present, or simply left abbreviated.

taken from the famous "union" episode of the simpsons, this is what homer repeats to himself over and over again whilst trying to decide whether to pursue a dental plan program for workers of the nuclear plant or to give up this right for a free keg of beer. hrmmm....

... dental plan, lisa needs braces
some guy: "and that's when i realized that my glasses were on my *head* the whole time!"
dudes: " .... "
me: "... dental plan, lisa needs braces"
by Olly J June 19, 2005
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a phrase used to indicate that something with happen when <insert positive thing(s) here> begin to happen. The phrase says 1) that things are going to get better and 2) that is when the mentioned event or state of being will commence.

see also: the going is good good going and how's it going
example 1:
guy: "do you think 3 people will be enough to run an entire company?"
boss: "it's enough to start with, we'll hire more when the going gets good"

example 2:
dude: "yo man, I heard you started dealin' again... you buy yerself a new TV set yet"
other dude: "nah man, I aint ballin yet, but you know i'll hook myself up when the going gets good, dig?"
dude: "werd"
by Olly J June 4, 2005
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adj. English slang terminology. Describing a positive atmosphere of energy, excitement and motion. When used to describe music: large amounts of bass; a "harder" sound (such as drum and bass or hardcore,etc.)

see also bangin
"were you down the club last night? it was stompin man!"
by Olly J February 7, 2005
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adj. a statment describing an object or situation in a positive manner. A synonym for cool, sweet or werd, often used by itself.
"dude, I'm getting my new computer tomorrow!"
by Olly J February 7, 2005
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verb. English slang terminology having the meanings: 1. To take, to consume. 2. Used to mark the occurance of something. 3. To strike or impact.
1. "yeah mate, I boshed about 15 beans last night... I was well fucked"
2. "I was just sitting there at work, when bosh! ... the phone rang and there she was..."
3. "He just ran up to the geezer and boshed him in the face with a bottle of stella"
by Olly J February 7, 2005
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