31 definitions by Mr. Zimpy

A left wing, socialist, communist, scared, cowardly, hippie, liberal, who believes that the should be run by a totalitarian (coughcommunistcough) government. They believe that you should pay for the people who are too fucking lazy to find a job. They believe that the republicans are evil.
Democrats are actually aliens from the planet hojingarand bent on universal domination.
by Mr. Zimpy November 22, 2009
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moronic pretten girls who love boy bands and terrible pop music. They should be grouped up and brutally murdered, cause they are responsible for killing music, and turning respectable girls into whores.
Teeny Boppers are worse than emo, no wait their both bad.
by Mr. Zimpy December 20, 2009
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A white cracker fuckface who is a total insult to white people, they put on clown makeup to hide the fact that they are homosexuals and threaten to kill people with hatchets if they aren't "down for some ass sex with the clown". They should NOT under any circumstances be taken as a threat because their insults couldn't even intimidate a 5 year old, and if I was to see a bunch of clown fags running after me I would die laughing.
I hate the ICP, they are a lame band if I dare call them a band.


I grab the Juggalo by the throat and beat the holy fuck out of them.
by Mr. Zimpy July 15, 2010
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what posers call music that is too "hardcore" to be rock, and too wussy to be called metal. It consists of rapping, turntables, and rich people who have tough lives. Their fans are suburban kids who shop at Hot Topic.
Person: Nu-Metal is the shit.

Person2: No, Nu-Metal IS shit.
by Mr. Zimpy November 23, 2009
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a terrible, unfunny, lameass, suck show on Disney Channel that is about a 16 year old whore who can't sing or act and has the worst fake accent ever. She puts on a wig and everyone become retarded and can't reconize its the same 16 year old whore who can't sing or act and has the worst fake accent ever that is in their high school. She is accompanied by her totally retarded brother who I hate, and her idiot father who wrote a one hit wonder that isn't even good. The only good person on the show is the hot friend Lily.
Hannah Montana is really the Devil.
by Mr. Zimpy November 23, 2009
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