121 definitions by Matthew

Her gentle stroking caused the ball milk to drip from my pee-hole
by Matthew January 20, 2004
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Hot, Sexy, and has the biggest e-penis known to man and woman
"WOW, hes a real l00b3r"
by Matthew August 11, 2003
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Usually an attachment to a name.
Often used as a term of endearment.
calling to your friend brad you may say: Come here Brad-ykins!
by Matthew November 14, 2003
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One of the many halarious words to say out loud while chilling with your friends. Other such words include the word ointment, and flaborgasted.
Hey guys, Flamingo. Flamingo!!!
by Matthew September 2, 2004
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A really annoying talking bird created by Microsoft
Peedy is so annoying, I made a video of him jumping off a cliff.
by Matthew December 29, 2004
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My heros!! i could never stay interested in a team that sucks so much
by Matthew December 12, 2003
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"What should I call him? Johnny, NNY, JTHM, him? I just can't decide.
by Matthew August 7, 2003
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