142 definitions by Marc

Contemporary kitchen appliance that heats food by exposing water molecules to a constant beam of radiation. Newer models radiate all the molecules in food. Men's second best friend: the Microwave oven.
Frozen Burritos? Pop 'em in the nuker!
by Marc May 27, 2004
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Its Serbain for summer. Also, its used to describe something warm. Like feelings for someone.
by Marc September 24, 2003
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Slang term of un-game boy.

More Like double plus un gameboy.
Something really really lame.
Man Game Gear is in color, but is sucks, yeah it was so game gear.
by Marc March 8, 2004
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my hommie has a nice box in his chevy
by Marc May 1, 2003
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1. adjective. having extremely favorable qualities

2. adjective. pertaining to a person or thing that is rugged, strong, and/or ready to show these qualities

3. noun. person who is perceived to have the qualities of definition 2
1. I have a bad-ass car with a kickin sound system and bitchin rims.

2. The armored tank is a bad-ass military vehicle that can roll over just about anything.

3. Mohammed Ali was a bad-ass in the boxing ring.
by Marc February 24, 2004
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Pissin in the pool while other people are swimming with you
Hey dude did you just use the ghetto heater the waters all yellow
by Marc May 6, 2003
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Spoken to an individual when they are whining or complaining excessively.

Background: Combination of 'wah' and ambulance.
Guy1: Dude, I have had a totally crappy day! My hair looks horrible and I got a pimple on my butt!

Guy2: Why are you telling me this? Call the wahmbulance!!
by Marc May 18, 2004
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