8 definitions by Jizzil Dizzil

The Ghost is done when you are doing a girl doggy style in a dark room in front of a window and you switch places with a friend who was hiding in the closet, very quickly and quietly so she does not know. He then procedes to do her from behind while you walk outside and stand in front of the window and wave at the girl.
Me and Bob pulled the Ghost on this girl yesterday, she almost had a heart attack!
by Jizzil Dizzil January 1, 2006
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A nicknname for the delicious and yet cheap alcohol known as Kentucky Gentlemen.
I'm glad that we bought KennyG instead of Jack or Jim.
by Jizzil Dizzil January 3, 2006
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A long day of drinking that starts when you wake up, preferably in the morning, and goes until sleep is needed to prevent death.
We had a huge rager last time school was cancelled for a hurricane.
by Jizzil Dizzil January 3, 2006
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A remeark that must made when someone gets beer spit on them while a a body of water, i.e. a pool, floationg down a river and such. The reciver of the beer shower cannot get angry either, they must enjoy the refreshing experience.
Bob: (spits beer on Joe's face)
Joe: Ahhh, refreshing!
by Jizzil Dizzil January 3, 2006
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A beer that will make everyone in the entire facinity of it want to fight everyone else. Simply put, it makes you angry.
That Icehouse made me want to kick some ass.
by Jizzil Dizzil January 3, 2006
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The action of drinking alcohol for an extened period of time.
We were boozin for about 11 hours.
by Jizzil Dizzil January 3, 2006
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When you have reached a perfect level of drunkeness.
I was golden last night.
by Jizzil Dizzil January 3, 2006
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