9 definitions by Jason Corrigan

an old-fashioned word from the 19th century often used by women and high class society back then to describe a negro, originally a negro slave; a word most often used by southern women and effete gentlemen who thought the more commonly accepted word nigger (back then) was a bit low-class and pedestrian; a polite word for a nigger slave memorialized in song by Stephen C. Foster's tunes like O Susanna, My Old Kentucky Home, and Old Folks at Home.

Scarlett: A proper southern lady always uses the word darkie when referring to her negro slaves.
Rhett: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. There all a bunch of lazy niggers to me.

by Jason Corrigan June 27, 2008
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a useless piece of diseased-laden skin that covers the otherwise attractive male penis head; the World Health Organization now recommends that the foreskin be cut off to prevent the male from getting AIDs because the moist, smegma-producing cells of the inner foreskin are very receptive to the HIV virus; educated males and smart parents remove the foreskin from the penis as quickly as possible to promote health and hygiene.
Hey, doc, I dont wanna get AIDs and shit, so please get this foreskin off me right away.
by Jason Corrigan June 17, 2008
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Filipino word meaning uncircumcised, but in an unfavorable, derogatory manner. Someone who is supot is not a man in Filipino society; someone who is dirty and unclean and still a child; almost like a Filipino curse word because to call a male supot is to ridicule him for being uncircumcised.
That dude is supot so none of the girls will go out with him.
by Jason Corrigan July 11, 2008
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Filipino word meaning uncircumcised, but in an unfavorable, derogatory manner. Someone who is pisot is not a man in Filipino society; someone who is dirty and unclean and still a child.
That dude is pisot so none of the girls will go out with him.
by Jason Corrigan June 16, 2008
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a 21st century word for a black person; a racist term for a negro; a word commonly found on aryan and nazi websites to describe a black person because the skin color looks like shit.
Dude 1: Look at all them shitskins over there.
Dude 2: Yah, its disgustin how they smell like shit too.
by Jason Corrigan July 20, 2008
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Today, now a perfectly acceptable word among hip dudes -- black, white, asian -- sometimes said nigga -- in the 21st century that drives OLDER blacks, whites, and asians into a shit fit because they still thinks its racist.
Hey nigger, whassup with that funky shit you wearing?
by Jason Corrigan June 16, 2008
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a biological term found on white power and nazi websites to describe dark-skinned people of african descent, designed to perpetuate the belief that blacks are genetically different from whites and asians because of their longer forearms, larger foreheads, and wider nose and lips; a word used by racists to suggest that the Negroid race, unlike the Caucasian and Mongoloid races, is closer to the chimpanzee than homo sapiens.
White Power Dude #1: Did you see how many murders those niggers did last night?

White Power Dude #2: What you expect from an afropithecus erectus. They ain't like you and me.
by Jason Corrigan June 24, 2008
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