114 definitions by Intelligence001

The point at which even the most sane, composed, calm, collected, stable, and well-adjusted person in all of human history to utterly snap and lose it.
All it takes is for one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.
by Intelligence001 January 20, 2020
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I see no proof of "government efficiency." All I see are a bunch of do-nothing retards.
by Intelligence001 May 31, 2017
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Having the mental capacity to understand something that's painfully obvious to anybody else and/or has overwhelming and undeniable evidence, but deliberately ignoring it for any number of reasons. Compare willful ignorance.
Jean was presented with mountains of evidence that her husband was cheating on her, and more-or-less covered her ears and went "LALALALALA." I swear, she's engaging in selective obliviousness.
by Intelligence001 April 2, 2022
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The only thing that should be separated by color.
Unless you're talking about laundry, nothing is getting separated by color here. Take your racist ideologies out of here, and don't even think about coming back.
by Intelligence001 July 30, 2016
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A mad scientist from the Mary Shelley novel of the same name who created a beast out of several human body parts recovered from a cemetery. Contrary to popular belief, the monster in question is not named Frankenstein. In fact, the creature isn't named at all.
"Frankenstein was the creator, not the monster. It's a common misconception held by all truly stupid people."
by Intelligence001 March 11, 2017
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A joke errand given to new sailors. Consists of sending a sailor to the weather decks with a hook, a lamp, and a harness to look for an air-dropped buoy carrying the ship's mail.
Clarence was given mail buoy watch. He had no idea there was no such thing.
by Intelligence001 July 27, 2016
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Two or more grown-ass adults squabbling like immature babies over an extremely trivial and/or ridiculous issue that nobody gave a rat's arse about in the first place, with no gain in any case aside from turning a lot of people against you just because you can.
Oh, would you two quit with this stupid internet drama!? Seriously, you're both acting like toddlers arguing over a pack of animal crackers; grow up and act like fuckin' adults!
by Intelligence001 February 13, 2020
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