10 definitions by Fabulous Max

I will give the most mainstream definition now. Most people know The Thing as the comic character. He is orange with blue jeans and has super strength. Originally he was a WWII vet,Ben Grimes, who joined his friend Reed Richards on a space mission. During that mission, he Richards, Richards's wife and brother-in-law were exposed to radiation in space. This caused them to get super powers. In 2005, Michael Chiklis played The Thing and in 2015, Jamie Bell played The Thing. The Thing is loved among Marvel heroes. He gets positive reception for his portrayal as an outsider. He was ranked #18 on IGN's top 100 heroes list. Successful solo series of him was released.
This is the definition of The Thing which defines the comic version.

The Thing beat up Dr.Doom's minions last issue.
by Fabulous Max March 18, 2017
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Gosling is a Canadian actor that has appeared in various TV shows and movies. When he was young, he appeared on Disney Channel with Christina Aguilera and several others. "The Notebook" was his breakout role and introduced him to the public. In that movie, he was a soldier who fell in love with a woman. Crazy, Stupid Love is another film he did featuring the prince of NBC comedy- Steve Carell. Gosling got a Golden Globe nomination for his role. It had a 78% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Many girls think that Gosling is hot. They will often go on sites like tumblr, facebook and urban dictionary and post their opinions about it- true fact. Yet these postings can get annoying since their posts read like a romance novel chapter. I do not care how Ryan Gosling looks like. Currently, he is in a relationship with Eva Mendes and they have a baby together.
This is a neutral definition of Ryan Gosling. Urban dictionary is a place to define a person, not gush over their features. If you think he's hot, then write a fanfic about him. Do not post your hot definition on urban dictionary since straight guys do not care and will downvote your definition.
by Fabulous Max April 7, 2015
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Legion of doom is a team of super villains. They are owned by DC comics. Originally, they were in the very 70s Superfriends franchise. Villains are organized in a swamp. Creation of the legion of doom was considered the first villain group in non- comics media. 13 villains are there. Here are the names.

Bizarro- a retarded, but hilarious evil version of Superman.
Lex Luthor- you should know who he is.
Toyman- a creepy man who uses toys against victims.
Brainiac- smart alien (the opposite of George W Bush).
Riddler- played by Jim Carrey in a film.
Scarecrow- a grown man who dresses like a damn scarecrow.
Cheetah- Wonder Woman's arch enemy who has a spotty agenda.
Giganta- lady who has a huge vagina when using her power.
Gorilla Grodd- cheesy, but smart villain who has telepathic powers.
Captain Cold- a better version of Mr. Freeze due to the fact that he wasn't in Batman and Robin.
Solomon Grundy- zombie who wants some pants.
Sinestro- alien with a killer stache.
Black Manta- Louis Farrakhan type of guy who thinks only black people should have world control.

Overall, this is a dangerous group. Most likely, they are the most well known of DC comics supervillain groups. Read about them on the internet or watch youtube videos cuz this is a cool gang.
Legion of doom was just defined. Also, the Joker was supposed to be in the legion. But he could not be due to the fact that a Batman series had gotten his character rights. Each legion member has a certain hero enemy. Superman is against Bizarro, Lex, Toyman and Brainiac, Batman fights Riddler and Scarecrow, Wonder Woman is aginst Cheetah and Giganta, Flash versus Gorilla Grodd and Captain Cold, Green Lantern fights Solomon Grundy and Sinestro and Aquaman goes against Black Manta. In the Seahawks team, Richard Sherman an his teammates used the legion of doom's influence to name their unit Legion of Boom. But Sherman is not evil and has a 4.0 GPA at Stanford and is certainly not a thug. So that's the Legion of Doom, folks.
by Fabulous Max October 12, 2015
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