26 definitions by Eric Kazinsky

Connection Theory is the idea that attractive young insecure women insult high-level men to lower them to her level and mask their own fear. In most cases, it is the only thing such a woman can do to connect with an intelligent man, whether in a positive or negative way, bringing him to a realm they understand and are experienced in. Such an action is a declaration that a woman feels intellectually inferior to a man and is insecure that a man will find her personality to be completely lacking.
Guy: I thought you had original opinions and views so I wanted to meet you in person, and see if the conversation is so amusing face-to-face as well and maybe get to know you afterwards.
Girl: I'm not interested, that's my excuse. Haha. Get over yourself. It's not an equation to solve. There is no formula, I just know and feel it, when it comes. And it didn't come with you buddy. Sorry. It's time for you to move on. Really.
Guy: Thank you for this high-level display of extreme insecurity and Connection Theory!
by Eric Kazinsky August 14, 2015
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A heat check is when you do something to check to see how hot you are. In basketball, this is done by taking a crazy shot to see if you are so hot, you can even make ridiculous shots. It is the most direct, non-subtle attempt to score with no strategy at all. In pursuing women, a heat check is a simple, direct statement made to a woman to see if she will be interested. A man is “just checking” to see if it works without needing more clever methods. The best heat checks involve minimal risk, because they are harmlessly “just checking” and not a full-blown attempt.
Guy 1: Why did you invite that girl to the bar with you so directly? Don’t you think it had zero chance of working?
Guy 2: Just a heat check. As long it doesn’t damage my chances at all with her in the future, it just checks to see if she might say yes to pure directness.
by Eric Kazinsky May 17, 2016
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A heat check is when you do something to check to see how hot you are. In basketball, this is done by taking a crazy shot to see if you are so hot, you can even make ridiculous shots. It is the most direct, non-subtle attempt to score with no strategy at all. In pursuing women, a heat check is a simple, direct statement made to a woman to see if she will be interested. A man is “just checking” to see if it works without needing more clever methods. The best heat checks involve minimal risk, because they are harmlessly “just checking” and not a full-blown attempt.
Guy 1: Why did you invite that girl to the bar with you so directly? Don’t you think it had zero chance of working?
Guy 2: Just a heat check. As long it doesn’t damage my chances at all with her in the future, it just checks to see if she might say yes to pure directness.
by Eric Kazinsky February 18, 2016
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Focus Theory is the theory that the single most important aspect in an interaction with a woman is holding her focus (or attention). It is common for a man to assume a woman has no interest in him, although he still holds her attention, which gives him certain power and significantly more chances than most would think. The difference between power struggle theory and focus theory is that focus theory does not need either party to be weak: it simply requires the ability to capture a woman’s attention.
Guy 1: That girl from the mall told me a million times she's not interested in me.
Guy 2: Focus Theory pal - you've got her focus and attention. Just keep moving forward and don't listen to her. If she wants to keep going with you while your intent is clear, the path is golden.
by Eric Kazinsky September 25, 2015
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Describes someone who holds a cock/spire upright. The reason the word spotter is used is because, just like in benchpressing, the holding/spotting is done by a third party representative. Spirespotting is most common before the spicy bologna is inserted into the vagina (or rectum, for you cumtheca spirespotters out there) during intercourse. In pornography, the most common case of this is when, during a male-female-female scene, girl #1 is about to get her peach cobbler rived, so girl #2 grips the hedgehog and guides it into girl #1's pudendal crawlway.
The coati Ben Coates was robbing a liquor store when he felt something from below the waist. He recognized it as a hand. He thought to himself, "What kind of person would give my johnson such a firm skyward grip? Oh yeah, a spirespotter."
by Eric Kazinsky January 23, 2007
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Child Actor Syndrome describes the medical condition of former child stars who are used to being treated like royalty and can't adjust being a normal adult later in life and freak out when faced with any tiny life problem. Being a child star describes how most women under age 25 live, with validation and coddling on all sides, no ability to work hard in anything, and a constant desire to be in the spotlight. This later develops into early stages of Child Actor Syndrome around age 23 or 24.
Guy 1: Why does that girl think she'll be able to finish medical school and be a real doctor?
Guy 2: Child Actor Syndrome. She's just posting about becoming a doctor on Facebook because she's a Like Hunter. She'll drop out in a few weeks. She's unable to adjust to a normal male's existence of getting no attention and simply working hard at things.
by Eric Kazinsky October 8, 2015
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When you stick your thick cock into a woman's pussy and run away without cumming, as if to say gotcha! Alternatively, it can mean simply having sex with a woman once and disappearing into the mist. The least popular use of the term is when you cut a hole in the condom and blast away never to return.
Guy 1: Did you hear that girl's boyfriend got her a dick in a box for Christmas?
Guy 2: Ding Dong Ditch is what I'd give her.
Guy 1: Ding Dong Ditch the bitch.
by Eric Kazinsky May 6, 2016
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