4 definitions by Emi Vilks

Des Moines, Iowa: referring to the fact that there's not many things to do in dsm... except for, of course, when it's caucus time.

A place that may not be the smallest city, but it doesn't stop you from eventually realizing that through just a few friends, you are connected to just about EVERYONE in Iowa.
I'm def moving out of dead moines soon as I gradute.
by Emi Vilks January 15, 2008
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a rave-esque festival held in the down town area of des moines in the summer. at 515 alive it's likely to find: break dancing, drinking, graffiti, artists, emo kids, mohawks, lesbians, scene kids, drunks, under-age drinkers and DJs.

the name "515 alive" is an attempt to get rid of des moines' "dead moines" reputation.
I got 4 numbers at 515 alive this year, but I really don't remember who gave them to me. woops.
by Emi Vilks January 15, 2008
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Des moines Iowa Roosevelt high school's student newspaper. lead, designed, and edited by Emi Vilksin 2007-2008. a paper that strives to be taken seriously.

Iowa is one of very few states that offers student newspapers full adcantage of the freedom of speech. the roundup uses this right to publish controversial and news-worthy articles. this is an attempt to get high school students to be taken more seriously by elders and peers.
have you read the roundup? the wreck you were in was on the front page.
by Emi Vilks January 15, 2008
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the Des Moines/metro area. derrived from the central Iowa area code.

see also: 515 alive and dead moines
I currently reside in the 515.
by Emi Vilks January 15, 2008
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