459 definitions by Dubiks

The queen of cunts aka the biggest bitch you'll ever meet. She's a sadistic whore with no redeemable qualities whatsoever. She has sex with everyone she sees just to give them STD's. When she's on her period, she turns into a raging monster and screams and belittles everyone she sees as less popular. She's made people commit suicide through consistent bullying and drama during her high school years. She uses her looks to seduce jocks and other hot guys in order to gain her power and popularity because they can't even see the hideous filth that lies in her heart. When she's done with high school she'll either end up working as a porn star where she'll spread her sexual diseases to as many people as possible, or she'll marry the richest person she can find and manipulate him into giving her all of the money he has rightfully earned.
Queen Cunt: OMG! Your such a fucking loser! Why don't you go die in a hole already and do everyone a favor.
(that's when she's not on her period)
by Dubiks August 25, 2018
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An otherwise great form of shopping where you can buy whatever you desire without a single interaction. Except for the fact that the item takes a fucking week in order for it to get to your house. I mean god damn, you'd think that with all the planes and drones we have nowadays it'd be quick but nooooo, it has to go through processing bullshit, which apparently takes even longer than shipping it across the country. We have to wait 5-7 days before we actually get the item we want, and if it's coming from over seas it takes even longer. And don't even get me started on shipping fees.
*Me online shopping*
Me: Wow an awesome Rubik's cube. (clicks buy)
(4 fucking days later)
Me: It's still not here >:(
by Dubiks February 28, 2019
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An object that gets more ass than you will in your entire life
by Dubiks December 31, 2019
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A giant bunny that sneaks into every house in America gives it's unhatched children away for other children to eat. Also, what candy companies monetize the shit out of in order to gain profit.
regular human being: (goes downstairs) AHHHHHHHH! (pulls out gun and shoots Easter Bunny) (turns on light) Oh shit.
by Dubiks April 21, 2019
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The act of having sex while being high as hell
Hey you wanna 69420 wit me baby!
by Dubiks December 23, 2018
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motivation is porn for the heart
by Dubiks August 26, 2018
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