86 definitions by Donald Cowboy Cerrone

My friend Dave is taking MMA so he can kick the fuck out of the fucker who owns urban dictionary.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 12, 2017
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the act of performing fellatio on one's self
My boss fired me for giving myself a selfie. I had no idea there were cameras in the office. I would have waited to get home to blow myself if I had known better. Maybe I can file for wrongful termination.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 11, 2017
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the act of performing fellatio on one's self
My boss fired me for giving myself a selfie. I had no idea there were cameras in the office. I would have waited to get home to blow myself if I had known better. Maybe I can file for wrongful termination.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 11, 2017
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Sandra Bullock has a nice shapely, round, attractive ass. When President Trump tried to bite it, Sandra said, "get the fuck off Sandra Buttocks" !!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was so humiliated that he suffered from shrinkage and to this day cannot achieve an erection.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone July 10, 2019
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How Queen Elizabeth pronounces the word "fucking".
The Queen of England was quite upset with her son Charlie and exclaimed, " fuckington Charles, you are such a whoremonger! You can't keep your penis in your pants for even one fuckington day!
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone June 15, 2019
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5) the Lays potato chip fart. Farts that smell like someone just opened a bag of Lays potato chips. 4) the broccoli fart. 3)the bean fart. Beans, beans, the magical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot. 2) the infamous egg fart! 1)the raw sewage fart. These farts literally smell like you are driving by a porto potty storage lot.
The Top 5 fart brands were ranked according to a comprehensive study conducted by researchers at some shithole research facility in Tijuana Mexico.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone August 21, 2018
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