64 definitions by Dan Fox

British colloqualism for electricity.
You should see the size of my lecky bill over the winter!
by Dan Fox July 2, 2003
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Derived from the student ministry team at Immanuel Baptist Church. A type of teenager who has their eyes fixed on the cross of Jesus Christ.
Hey look at that guy, he is a CrossEyed kid.
by Dan Fox December 1, 2004
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You know that horny bitch with the pig tails in the Benny Benassi video? Well she makes me want to spoff my load.
by Dan Fox August 13, 2003
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Brit: Said of something that is good, or exceptional.
Young Jimmy put in a stonker of a performance at the final of the football soccer and scored four goals.
by Dan Fox July 18, 2003
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A powerful, object-based, interpreted scripting language, created by Brendan Eich, most commonly embedded directly into HTML web pages to manage client-side interaction.
JavaScript is so beautiful and elegant it brings tears to my eyes. I love using it. It completes me as a person.
by Dan Fox June 24, 2003
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Diarrhoea caused from excessive consumption of lager or beer.
I wouldn't use that cubicle - I've just had a nasty attack of beerhoea in it.
by Dan Fox August 15, 2003
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