6 definitions by Colon Power

"it's amazing i won. i was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency"
by Colon Power May 23, 2004
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.see homo, poo pusher, ChadKroeger
"i am a man and my boyfriend is such a shit stirrer, yeah he stirs my shit inside my arse with his little pinny knob oh baby wank me off"
by Colon Power May 23, 2004
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Chuck Norris "god damn i feel like some meat between my cheeks, i think ill head to Division 78 downtown."
by Colon Power May 23, 2004
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the word used commonly to portray a penis.
length can vary to portray either an erect or flaccid penis.
"suck it 8====D"
by Colon Power May 23, 2004
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1. an Alabama local who enjoys galavanting around town.

2. can also be applied to someone who enjoys engaging in sexual intercourse with country bumpkins.
1. "Cousin Merle sure is a hickrosexual the way he shops for squirrel pelt boot laces and other luxuries"

2. "damn Dave is always pickin up bitches from Arkansas, he is a freakin hickrosexual"
by Colon Power May 23, 2004
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.see Adam And Eve

Eve was the original hot slut!
"gotta get me some of that original poontang"
by Colon Power May 23, 2004
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