33 definitions by ChoujinkiMetalder

1. a type of bomb, usually these red sticks looking thing
2. a term for "awesome"
1. Those aren't candles.. These are DYNAMITES!"
2. That Sentai series Dynaman was dynamite!
by ChoujinkiMetalder December 26, 2005
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Goldust's trademark move. You put your opponent's legs behind the 2nd rope after he/she's trapped in the corner, you back up, run, and kick him/her between the legs.
Jerry: OMG! Goldust did the Shattered Dreams on Sable!
by ChoujinkiMetalder March 31, 2005
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The busty female ninja armed with a fan, from the SNK fighting game series, undoubtedly the most popular character in the series.
Everybody said that their favorite character is Mai Shiranui.
by ChoujinkiMetalder September 19, 2006
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One of the princesses in the Mario games. She wears yellow with white accents, has brown hair, and has a country-style voice. She was voiced by Kate Flemming in Mario Tennis, and starting with Mario Party 3, she was voiced by Deanna Mustard.
Did you see the "3rd eye" in the Daisy trophy in Super Smash Bros Melee?
by ChoujinkiMetalder July 19, 2006
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One of the Krofft lineups. Features 2 women in capes and go-go boots. Ran 8 two-part (each in 15 minutes) episodes. Copied everything off Batman (i.e. the gals in the deathtrap in the end of the 1st segment of the episode)
This show's Electra-Great!
by ChoujinkiMetalder July 27, 2005
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The best WWE diva in the mid-90's who managed The Bodydonnas, Faarooq, and Legion of Doom in 1999.
Sunny is the hottest of the WWE back in mid 1990's..
by ChoujinkiMetalder March 26, 2005
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