58 definitions by Charles_U_Farley

An early 2010 decision by the U.S. Supreme eliminated limits on campaign donations from corporations. This decision lead to corporations declaring holy war on incumbent Democrats. Big corporations spent HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on Republican campaigns, mostly through secret "non-profit" organizations and 527 groups. With the help of these unlimited corporate donations, the G.O.P. outspent Democrats 10 to 1. Unfortunately for America, the 2010 Election will go down in history as the nasiest and most expensive mid-term election ever (so far.)
The Corporate Jihad in 2010 lead to the Republicans gaining a controlling majority interest in Congress and an increased minority share of the Senate. The only real winner in this election was the media and advertising firms.
by Charles_U_Farley November 8, 2010
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Liberal Hippy Politics, is a concept that faded into history during the late 70s or early 80s after hitting its peak around 1972.
The hippy political movement was an anti-establishment force that was organized by anti-war college students. In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was the first presidential candidate supported by the hippies and George McGovern was the last major hippy supported candidate in 1972.
During the 70s, the hippies grew up and became yuppies and supported moderate mainstream candidates like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.
Liberal Hippy Politics was the driving force that lead to the end of the Viet Nam war.
by Charles_U_Farley November 6, 2010
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There are several kinds of walmart victims:
1.) A small town business that is devastated when walmart comes to town. When walmart comes to town, the small family-owned stores are often driven out of business.
2.) Workers that lose their jobs when walmart's pro-china policies force companies to move factories to China to keep costs down. The money grubbing scum now running walmart have a "low prices at any cost" policy that costs America 1000s of jobs every year.

Sam Walton (walmart founder) would be horrified by this pro-china bullshit! Walton used to brag about his pro-America business policies and the jobs they created! My how times have changed!
3.) People who manage to keep their jobs are often forced to accept lower wages with the threat of their company moving to China.
4.) Taxpayers everywhere that have to pay more in state taxes to cover the taxes walmart avoids (see walmart tax)
5.) CD, DVD and even books that are censored for sale at walmart (see walmartized)
Many American workers become walmart victims when their employers are pressured (threatened) by Walmart to move operations to China to "cut costs."

The huge buying power of the walmart empire has the power to ruin a business if it doesn't comply with their demands and their victims are powerless to fight it!
by Charles_U_Farley August 12, 2009
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Vast right wing conspiracy is a term first used by Hillary Clinton to describe the opposition movement, and their bullshit, during her husband Bill Clinton's presidency. This was a REAL problem. David Brock provides a look inside and confesses to being a part of it in his book "Blinded by the Right."

There were many people opposed to Clinton's progressive ideas and the right-wing segment of the population was trying hard to disrupt his agenda. (see White Water, travelgate, Monica Lewinsky, American Spectator) Luckily for Clinton, and America as a whole, he was able to accomplish many good things, like balancing the budget for the first time in 30 years!

Many people think that the conspiracy was just about the Clintons, but other democrats have faced it too.
Some examples: John Kerry 2004 swift boat veterans for truth, the Obama birther bullshit, the death panels bullshit and all this Obama is socialist bullshit!
The vast right wing conspiracy is alive and well during the Obama Administration. The G.O.P. is still spreading bullshit lies about where Obama was born, spreading lies to scare people away from Health Care reform, and trying to kill anything they consider "progressive."
by Charles_U_Farley January 24, 2011
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Republican party minions, Bushnesiacs, racist rednecks and other fuckwits that for whatever reason attack President Barack Obama. After suffering for 8 long years under the worst president ever (George W Bush) Obama is busy trying to undo the damage caused by the bush administration. However some bushtard fuckwits like the status quo--high unemployment, high foreclosure rates, out of control healthcare costs and on going clusterfucks in the Middle East.

These sick fuck republitards would rather see the country go down in flames than admit Bush was wrong and help Obama fix the mess we're in!!!!!
Obama Bashers are in an all-out battle to prevent President Obama from fixing the clusterfucked disaster Bush left behind! Republican Party minions are disrupting townhall meetings, spreading lies and rumors and even submitting bullshit definitions on Urban Dictionary!
It's easy to pick out a UD def submitted by a republican party minion, there are several exactly alike and most are by "authors" that only have one entry.
by Charles_U_Farley August 15, 2009
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Kind of like Satan worshippers, only more open and less into rituals. Seriously, there are members of the Republican Party that worship the second worst president ever! (after GW Bush) The republitards invoke his name in debates and even Bush43 said he wanted to be just like Reagan.

The Reagan Administration caused serious, long-term damage to this country--reagannomics, tripled debt, "star wars," union bashing, education cuts, pro-business/anti-worker policies and creating the Taliban to fight the Soviet Union in Afganistan! Yet Republicans still think he's great. WTF?!
The G.O.P. is full of Reagan worshippers, some of these sick fucks actually wanted to desecrate Mount Rushmore with a Reagan memorial! WTF?!! Now 20 years after the end of the Reagan era (but not the end of the negative impact), the Republitards in congress are talking about putting Reagan's picture on coins and/or paper money!
by Charles_U_Farley August 15, 2009
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an unoffical term, used to describe the economic policy of President Barack Obama.

Obama, being a Democrat, thinks that economic policy should NOT make the rich richer while making the poor poorer. He is smart enough to realize trickle-down economics is absurd. If you strengthen the working class, then all people will benefit. Obama thinks the 90% of the population that is not rich is more important than the 10% who are rich.
Obama-nomics is the fundamental opposite of Reaganomics.
by Charles_U_Farley November 19, 2010
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