1 definition by Cadet Ginger

Zed in Latin is the term for "One-Upper" or "Just a straight retard with -2.7 Brain cells". In English however it has a different meaning entirely. Zed in English stands for "A person who will say no or walk away from anything he doesn't like like a winy white bitch sipping on champagne". It honestly just goes on, it is different in every language. Just go ask any bar tender in a different country and they will tell you for the equivalent of 5$ USD. But it is not worse than being called a "Rino" in public if anyone does you are now allowed to murder them with a wet taco shell.
That guy on Twitch is such a fuqin' Zed i swear. Just put the Zed mayo in you sac of Taco's fuqhead!
by Cadet Ginger January 14, 2020
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