6 definitions by Bobby Brown

Someone who is routinely sober
Simon is the biggest konober of them all! He doesn't even drink coffee or pop! What a fucking Konober!
by Bobby Brown December 27, 2018
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A female white woman who thinks she is black. Usually talks like a black woman and listens to black people music.

See also wigger.
Amber Fordis such a skanky wigress.
by Bobby Brown February 17, 2005
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a vulguar phrase that has to do with some one who has formally resigned from a careere in chickin rangling.
christian dimopolous constantly says, "look at the frame on that one"
by Bobby Brown November 21, 2003
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A sexual act involving one person urinating onto the body of or into the mouths of other people.
I can take about an hour on the tower of power, as long as I gets a little golden shower.
-Frank Zappa (From "Bobby Brown Goes Down")
by Bobby Brown March 27, 2003
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A person who drives a beaten up old van that looks so suspicious it might contain a fertilizer bomb
Run for your lives everyone, an Agg van is parked outside our building
by Bobby Brown August 13, 2003
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