17 definitions by Becks Grevau

When refering to a person, it generally means unattractive or unpleasant, either physically or mentally.

Whether a person is ugly or not, is really a matter of opinion. There is no set of characteristics that makes one person ugly.
Guy 1: Haha, your girlfriend is a size 12 and has a big nose. She's sooooooo ugly!
Guy 2: Haha. Your bitchy girlfriend just kicked a puppy. She's sooooooo ugly!
by Becks Grevau November 17, 2007
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Using metaphors, similes, personification, and other writing techniques to allude to something. Short for "sugesstive writing". Very useful for bugging out an English teacher.
Example of Sugrit:

Original sentence: Tommy hated Angela's boyfriend, for he wanted to have sex with her.

Use of Sugrit: As passion and sensation overtook him, the angry lion inside of Tommy snarled and roared. It wanted to lash out at the lame, weak rooster before him, and steal his piece of fine meat.
by Becks Grevau March 27, 2007
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A term used to describe someone who claims not to be afraid to die.
Tommy's so deathless, he went bungee jumping with a scorpion in his pants!

by Becks Grevau March 25, 2007
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