142 definitions by Angelacia

A way to make people realize their situation is not as important as they think, or would like to think. Especially handy when dealing with math teachers.
Mrs Garrison: you haven't turned in your math homework!
Student: There are starving children in Africa!
Mrs Garrison: That is so true...wow, that really lets me see my life through another perspective. I give you an A!
Student: Thank you, starving children in Africa!
by Angelacia June 15, 2007
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Sister Souljah
Al Sharpton
Spike Lee
Ice Cube
David Duke
the KKK
New Black Panthers
Malcolm X
Aryan Brotherhood
Latin Kings

The whites were the racist ones before, now it is mostly other races. For example: in 1960, a black man could not go into a primarily white neighborhood without being harassed. Today, a white man could not go into a primarily minority neighborhood without being harassed.
Sister Souljah is stupid to say all white people are racist, and she is not a racist just because she never owned slaves. No one alive today in America owns slaves, does that make them immune as well?

Spike Lee says black people are unable to be racists. That's just ignorant.

I don't give a shit what racists do as long as they are not in positions of power (ie Hitler).
by Angelacia June 19, 2007
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Another word for a teenage mother, from Tupac's song 'Brenda's Got a Baby'.
Bobby: Why isn't Shanique here today?

Billy: She transferred to Me and My Baby Academy

Bobby: She went brenda?!
by Angelacia June 20, 2007
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a kind of canvas-and-rubber shoe, very light and plain, used as part of a school uniform in many elementary schools.

In England, plimsolls have gone the way of Converse and Vans before them, and have become wildly cool due to their retro cool and, due to their mild and understated look, ability to go with most outfits.

original plimsoll colors include white, black, and gray. two toned plimsolls, especially blue and white, have become popular as a way to personalize the trend.
evette was wearing a dress with a cardigan and plimsolls to the picnic.
by Angelacia August 1, 2008
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omfg jim carrey jus told me i cud bring 30 ppl 2 his bday prty nxt wk!!

omg thats soo klness hu r u inviting?
by Angelacia June 15, 2007
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a variation of brother from another mother, sister from another mister, joe from another hoe, and chick from another dick.
Yo its Randy, my bro from another ho! wats up man

Alissa is my bro from another ho
by Angelacia April 16, 2007
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someone who has highly a highly regimented and restricted diet, like that of an anorexic, but without the aim for thinness. these diets are usually more fatty and less healthy than regular diets.
Diary of a Fatorexic
i can only eat saltines and cheez whiz, but not if the edges are broken off the saltines or the cheez whiz isn't sprayed right.
by Angelacia March 17, 2009
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