35 definitions by Alpino

Short for "bourgeois bohemian" in fact another form of poser... pretending "acting" to be a dirtbag or grunge type, often in ski towns or outdoors activities areas - climbing, wind-surfing, kayaking, etc ... being the most hip, non-capitalist, vegan, supporter of causes. Often found in the hippest places in Latin America, Palestine, Africa, acting like the locals. When they are out of money and when the going gets rough they do not sell their truck or pawn their skis but go to the bank, discretely find their credit card or have their parents bail them out, supply an airline ticket or hospital bill. A covert "trustafarian"
She's not a dirtbag snowborder... she's a DuPont, a bobo...

You wait tables all summer; bobo there goes home to Cape Cod or Palo Alto.
by Alpino November 27, 2010
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electronic devices given to children - I-pods, cell phones, DVDs in cars, X-Box, Play Station, Nintendo, etc - to keep them quiet & busy - can range from a blessing to a curse
"Honey, did you bring the electronic ritalin? This is going to be a twelve hour drive"

"Yes the boys picked out a dozen DVDs and brought their I-Phone chargers"

"Now we can discuss every life issue in privacy and fall in love again"

"What do we do when the DVDs run out? Listen to their stories and fall in love with them again"
by Alpino August 5, 2012
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The best weapon on the planet, in the right.... or wrong hands. It takes trained or determined infantryman to use it properly... not a "soulja" gangbanger spraying it sideways and hitting their neighbor's three year old... not some clown haji insurgent that has seen too many Rambo movies and shoots from the hip.

Can be buried in mud for years and still kill.

Has killed more people with "real guns" than any other weapon.
The most dangerous thing in the world is a hungry peasant with an AK.
by Alpino September 15, 2008
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holy shit she had a gat in her purse.... no one ever raped a .357
by Alpino September 15, 2008
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All the Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi types working for KBR in Iraq or Afghanistan. Some are really coolio and dream of the great 7-11 in the sky the USA, some hate the USA cause we pay them $5 a day. The ones in country work their asses off at laundry or cooking, but the ones in the bazaars are real rip off artists, swindling Joes, who miss the great PX in the sky Wal-Mart back home
The coolies in the DEFAC are great but the ones at the bazaar selling bootleg DVDs and trinket are real cocks.
by Alpino January 19, 2012
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Someone who moves out West, usually the Northern Rockies, and wants to make it just like California or Michigan and not the U.P.! or Vermont. Liberal fucks who don't like hunting, logging or ranching. They think wolves are cute face licking puppies,,, not hamstringing demons who eat their prey alive. The use their money and lawyers like the Mafia uses pistols and knives, with the locals losing out. Drive Subarus, Saabs, Volvos.
How come we can't hunt elk on that ranch anymore?
Some pretty people bought it to raise llamas on.

Why is this bar so clean... and no more pickled eggs?
The pretty people eat their veggie burgers here now.
by Alpino October 20, 2009
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The reality of ski bums... the cute name for these type of "professional" skiers who exist hand to mouth, mooching beers or bongs, living on other peoples couches... but have a really good time skiing over 100 times a season!
Half the people in this town on unemployment or washing dishes at night are ski trash.

Q. What do you call ski trash without a girlfriend?

A. Homeless
by Alpino March 15, 2010
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